
Friday, July 30, 2010

31 Meows

The Nerve

The Nerve

The PM is getting ready for their PEI beach vacation. They leave tomorrow so she's a little wild. The MM has to work so at least we'll have company.

 She is insisting on doing a big clean before they go. I don't know why, it'll just be a disaster upon her return.

I tried to stay out of her way and have a nap by the window but she came over with her mitt. You know what she did? She manhandled me and brushed all of our lovely fur right off of the bed. She even picked up my rumpus and got right underneath it!!

I am currently ignoring her.

All that floof... gone to waste. 
I know what I'll be doing while they are gone, refuzzing!!

I know you like to observe me while I do the dishes, Banshee, but you are too close.

No, I'm not!

Your tail is in the water.

So it is. 

It's just the tip. I'll let it drip in the rack for a few minutes.

Really Banshee, unless you are going to start drying the dishes, you have to move!

Just a sec, seems the tail will need some work.

It'll just take me a few minutes to get this all spic and span!


Your tail is back in the water again.

Oh jeepers!!! That really is a soaker!!!

Hold my calls, I will be busy for the afternoon.

Friday, July 23, 2010

21 Meows

Four Minutes

Four Minutes

Monday, July 19, 2010

27 Meows

Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

The PM had a wonderful time all by herself. Apparently she can survive without a herd of cats and children for a couple of days. How odd.  She met #1 from the Poupounette for a wonderful lunch at The Dunes Gallery at Brackley Beach. A place to check out if you ever find yourself on The Island. They had a great meal and fine conversation.

When she returned, she had a gift for us from #1!! How exciting!! I waited on the bed in anticipation!

Now what do we have here?

Luvs, yum-yum!

Some toys from France!!
Glow in the dark toys, a wind up cat and a yarn thrasher!!!

The PM decided I could have a wee snack and Banshee tore up the stairs. She didn't want to miss out.

A bedspread picnic~ how nice.

Miss Shade had some Luvs on her own in private. 

Thank you so much #1, The Chans and sweet Tommy!!

I think next time #1 is over in this corner of the world she should come stay with us for a night, I can charm her with my apricot mancatliness!! 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

24 Meows

Sumac Saturday

Sumac Saturday

Things are still busy over here and the heat is driving me around the bend. We are getting rain this weekend so I am hoping for some nice and cool napping possibilities.

I have to say that I am having mixed feelings about the new Mac. It is much bigger than the old one thus my area on the desk has been greatly diminished. One the other hand, anything with an operating system called Snow Leopard can't be all that bad and I am having a hard time staying mad at a face like that!!

We also got some special mail out here in the woods, Housecat Confidential, the super exciting book written by our witty furriend  Fin and her Mom!

We are so anxious to read it and get the real scoop!!

We will have to wait to read it though as the PM is taking it to Prince Edward Island for a small getaway. She is going over all by herself and staying in a hotel all by herself. I think one of us cats need to go with her as I have never seen her go anywhere all by herself, I don't know if she'll be alright. She seems to think she'll be OK. I think she's actually looking forward to some time all by herself.  Very strange. She's going to meet #1 from The Poupounette for a visit while she is there.  #1 is over for the month from France.  I really, really think I should come too. I'd like to personally pass on some purrs for Yuu-Chan, who is still battling an infection.  Get better little fella!!!

© 2008 Sumac Stories by Goldie, Shade & Banshee - 3 Canadian Cats