This first story happened when the PM was about 17 and had just adopted her cat Sydney. Her sister had drug her into the pet store one day after school to look at the kittens. They had one cat, Mimi at home. The PM saw this kitten who looked cross eyed, wasn't able to focus, seemed to walk with a stumble and was much bigger than the other kittens there. He cried at the PM and purred up a storm when she picked him up. The PM spent the next day thinking about this little tuxie and was worried he wouldn't be adopted as he seemed to have sight issues, maybe some mental issues and had already been there awhile as he was so much bigger than the others. She talked to her mom about it and they all went over to look at him. They ended up taking him home as they wanted him to have a good home even if he had all this disabilities.
Well, seems that he was putting on quite the act as when they got him home, his eyes brightened, he ran like lightening through the house and was a normal, happy little fella. The PM said she must have had a big S for sucker on her forehead when she went into the pet store that first time. He was quite the character and was well loved.
The funny part happened a few days after he came home. The PM was having a bath when she heard him race through the house, there was a crash and then he started crying. The PM grabbed a towel and ran to the livingroom. Sydney had knocked over a lamp, climbed the curtains and was stuck on the top of them. The PM got a chair and was in the front window trying to get him down. His claws were really stuck in the fabric so the PM had to use both of her hands to get him free. The exact moment that she had him loose, her towel fell down and her neighbour walked by the front of her house, staring in. He got quite the eyeful that day!!