The PM normally has this chair covered but she has not put the blanket back on after we had visitors a couple of weekends ago.

I wish she'd leave it off as the chair is much better as is.

It makes a wonderful toy arena.

Goldie also likes how the blanket is put with his regular pile making him king of the castle!

Maybe I can start a petition.
This seems like a win-win situation. I vote that your humans leave things as they are.
My dear, that toy is well and truly nomed! Well done!
Not to worry, Banshee. The human staff's role is to keep their superiors happy, so she should keep the blanket where it is.
Banshee, your pretty self made my Mom go SQUEEEEEE! this morning!
Banshee, you sure are having a good time on that chair! We hope it never gets covered again!!
We'll sign your petition! That chair looks awesome!
Use that third from last tummy shot, Banshee, and you'll get anything you want!
That looks much more fun without the blanket. Mum keeps our chairs covered because they are too tempting for claw sharpening when they are uncovered.
Well, I will sign your PETition, Banshee (I love that, by the way -- just my sense of humour).
I know I left the blanket off our wing chair, and Dante's furs got all over it again. It doesn't look like you are shedding too badly, though -- just having lots of fun in the open space. And Goldie's loving the folded blanket, too. I say -- leave things the way they are. If kitties are happy, that the most important thing of all!
I'll sign it.You two are just so cute.
Lookit that belleh, Banshee! SQUEEE! Lishy has a toy like that. He carries it up to bed with him and plays with it in the middle of the night. It drives mum crazy, but she thinks it's too cute to take it away.
Banshee, you look like you're having the time of your life!
Banshee, your furs would never show on that patterned upholstry. We say leave the blanket off so you can kill your play ball in the nood chair!
I like naked chairs, too!
Well, if da chair is better wifout da cover den it should stay off. It just makes sense.
Banshee, I just love these pictures of you havin' fun with your ball in the blanket-less chair. So cute!
I have to admit, though, that I like Goldie's idea best!
Banshee we love the action shots of you playing with the toy, especially the 3rd from the botton with your sitting up=too cute and those belly shots are awesome!...Goldie is looking very happy to be top cat on the blanket castle...Happy Friday beautiful, fun friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
YOU look adorable playing with your toys in that chair, and you know what? You match that chair, we think your PM should leave the cover off too.
Those are all such great pictures! We cant choose which is best...
Woo have paws...just pull it off!
We give your chair without the blanket 8 paws up. That bright coloured ball is great we're going to ask Mum to get something like it for us.
You do look like you are having such a good time Banchee. Maybe it would be fun to have the cover back on, then you could get under the cover like we do. We love to crawl under and attack the other ones.
Those pictures are terrific of your belly and playing with that toy.
Have a great day.
I like chair, I like blankets, I like chairs with blankets. I am not fussy. FAZ
Oh we LOVE your chair! Keep the blanket off. That's a great chair for playing in!
Just lay back and have a fun time.
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