Today the PM turns the big 4-0 and we thought we'd dedicate this post to her.
Awhile back The Nanny gave the PM a box of paper and pictures she had when the PM was a wee one herself. They had a cottage on the lake and the time there was spent surrounded by nature and lots of love.
The Nanny, the PM and The Duck.

The wild loving Penny.
In the box of papers, the PM found evidence of "blogging behaviour" way back then.
When it was a rainy day by the lake, the PM would engage in her animal sayings hobby. She would go through the wildlife magazines and cut out her favourite photos. Then she would make up little notes on what she thought was going on with the animals which she'd tape to the photo
Here are some of our favourites.
We took the liberty to translate as apparently they did not have spell check way back then.

"Where is that little devil?"

"Help around"

"He looks familiar"

"The King!"

"Let's buy Mom a gift for Mother's Day"

Happy Birthday PM!!!
We are so very glad you were and still are a little weird.
Happy Birthday to the PM!!!! Sending our purrs and nosetaps to help her celebrate the big day!
Pee Ess...being a bit weird is what makes life interesting.
Happy Birthday to the PM. We hope she has a lovely day and gets plenty of niptinis and treats.
A very, very happy birthday to the PM! We hope she has an amazing day!
Happy Gotcha Day to your purry special PM!
PeeEssWoo: I think it is furry important fur PMs and Moms to be difFURent!
I just love your early blogging efforts :-) Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday to your PM! My mom passed that milestone a few years ago. Hope it is a great day!
Happy 40th Birthday to your Mommy! Those animal pictures with sayings are very cool. We think she was a wonderful animalloving person now and back then. Hope you're all having a grand day!
Many purrs,
Siena & Chilli
Our mom says it is really great that the PM has those pictures and things from when she was a wee one!! What fun to look back at that!!
Happy Birthday to your PM!! We hope she has a wonderful day!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PM!! Those photos were great and were a blog in the making! PM was waaaaaay ahead of her time!
We loved your very forst blogs, PM!! Guess what--it's OUR Mommy's birthday today too! (But ours is older, hee hee.)
Happy Happy Birthday!
Weird is fun.
Those picture bloggings were great! Kids can be so creative.
4-0 is YOUNG. I can't tell you my Mom's age. She won't fess up how super old she is.
Happy Birthday to The Mom! What a great blogger she was even then!
Weird moms only get weirder!
A very Happy Birthday to the Mom. We sure hope she has a fantastic day and many more of them. Those pictures with their writings are just great. We enjoyed that. Take care.
A furry happy purrday to the PM!!!
And many many more happy ones to come!
A very Happy Birthday to yours Mommy.
You should haf sent this in the the Cat Blogosphere, so we could haf posted it.
But I finded it anyways!
Hee hee hee.
And now it is on mine Offishul CB Calendar.
Love & Purrs & a Happy Day,
happy bday !!!!
i think that is SO NEAT- the pictures and sayings from way back when. that must feel really calming to look at and it is awesome you have them.
so happy bday from another recent 4-0 'er : ) still feel like a kid though.
Happy Birthday to your PM!...We hope you all enjoy a fun celebration together=be sure to give her lots of cuddles and kisses!...Have a great week ahead, sweet friends and stay warm...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy Birthday!!!!!
~Lisa Co9T
A very happy birthday to your PM! Love the animal pictures with the captions!
Happy Birthday PM...Our mom turned 40 this year too~!!!
Happy Birthday, PM! Hope it is a special day.
Dear Cod how cute was the PM!? Jr Blogger! What a natural!
Happy Birthday PM!!!!
Ooh, Happy Birfday PM! Those were all such cute pictures...
Happy Birthday to the PM!! Hope she had a wonderful day!
Belated Happy Brthday, PM!
From #1 and all your friends at The Poupounette
Happy Birthday PM. You did a very good job blogging as a little girl. I got most of it without spell check.
hahahahaha...those are wonderul. weird and wonderful. LOVE. you made me smile. PM was waaaay ahead of her time!!!
Happy Birthday PM!!! Hope its the best yet. :D
Awww what a sweet post. Me and mom are back to blogging we missed our friends :)
What a lovely post. We can tell that box of paper and pictures holds reminders of some wonderful memories. Happy (belated) Birthday to the PM!
We are late in visiting, and are catching up this week, but your b'day post was too cute not to stop and comment on...Animal lover from way back it looks like!
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