OK! OK! Enough already with the brush!
Please do not call them bloomers. I am a big mancat for Pete's sake!
I am soooo glad you are not coming with me, PM. No offense but I think you would cramp my style.
OK! OK! Enough already with the brush!
"PM!!!!! I think there is something weird going on here. I am hearing something strange"
"Holy crap!! I think something's moving in the stove"
"Quick! Start the fire!!! Start the fire!!!!!"
"I see you now, my pretty. Thanks for holding the flashlight, wee ones."
"Hey! What are we doing out here! I've got supper waiting..."
This is the stance that Shade takes at supper time in the middle of the kitchen. She does it only there and at that time of day. We don't get treats or fed at a specific time so I don't know where this comes from.
The PM says " Oh no! Shade has fainted again". She can stay there for quite a long time, with everyone almost tripping over her, trying to make supper.
I think it is a desperate attention seeking act.
Thanks everyone for coming by for Goldie's Gotcha Day. He's still sleeping it off.
While we were thinking about sweet Sprout and her family over the weekend, the PM received news that her Grammie had died. She had lived a long life and everyone knew it was coming soon but the family is still very upset. The Nanny was with Grammie her final night and took care of her after she died. She was the anchor in that family and everyone is kind of lost and traumatized right now. The PM has been thinking about both Sprout and her Grammie. One lived only 3 months and the other 1085 months and they both will leave a tremendous hole in their families lives and no one was ready to see them leave. You can think you are totally prepared for someone to die but you really aren't.
The funeral is tomorrow. We hope to be back visiting everyone at the end of this week.
Some early fall blooms for Grammie. We love you. May you be with Grampie now and all of your dear cats and dogs that have come before.
Today is dear Sprout's funeral. Our thoughts are with her family today. It is a very sad time and we are sending out purrs of comfort and big {{{{HUGS}}}} to all our furr friends and their beans.
Light a candle today and spend some time with the people and pets that you love.
We actually had a pretty sunny day yesterday. What a surprise!!!! I heard the weather fella say that we had rain 51 out of the last 72 days. No wonder I felt like I was starting to mildew.
I spent a few hours rolling,
and basking in the beams.
The PM and everyone is going in town for the weekend to visit people and to celebrate the MM's birthday. I am a little sad to see them go but I really feel like having a good nap session!!!
The PM also informed me that we will not be blogging on the weekends anymore. I couldn't believe it but she explained that she is starting homeschooling the wee lad and needs extra time to plan the week's work. How much planning does cutting, gluing and colouring need anyway????
We will be posting a memorial post for sweet Sprout though tomorrow.
I am wishing everyone a safe and restful weekend. It has been a real sad week here at the CB and I want to extend some big {{{{HUGS}}}} to all my friends. I will try to get some sunbeams sent to everyone's windows so we can all have a healing warm nap.
This has been a very rough week here at the CB.
Our thoughts and prayers are with mom Tracey, Monty and the rest of their family at this very tragic time. This sweet little girl will be greatly missed.
Some blooms for Violette Noelle. We will stay close to each other today.
Today is an extremely lazy day here out in the woods. The whole clan is sick with various viruses; no one is moving too fast. It is raining again and the birds all seem to be somewhere else.
On an exciting note, I wanted to thank our friends for some awards we got last week. We were given these awards before but are thrilled that some furr-friends thought of us again!!!
Our good friend Pearl gave Goldie and I this award:
and Tesla, that little cutie, gave us this one.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!
I also have a confession of sorts. I think I am addicted to swearing. Not swearing in general just when Goldie's around. I know that probably isn't the best way to handle a situation but I do it all the time. I don't even know if he actually hears me anymore. He tunes me out.
Last night I went a little overboard and the PM commented on how silly I sounded. I was on the window ledge and the PM had just opened the window to let some fresh air in. (Various viruses and all) Goldie came sauntering over and I swore at him when he looked towards the window. I swore when he smelled the air coming in through the window and when he looked me in the eye. I swore as he started walking over to the window and when he jumped on the window ledge. I swore three times while he was looking outside and once for smelling my head. I also swore at his rump as it left the window ledge.
Anyway, something to work on I guess. Later... much later.