Things pretty quiet around here. No foxes or renegade rabbits to worry about.

Wait! What was that??????

Nothing. Just a cloud in the shape of a renegade rabbit.
Take note of the grass dangling from my mouth. I feel like a cowcat or something. Reminiscent of Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. I bet you have a hankerin' for a good Spaghetti Western right about now. Or maybe you just want spaghetti...
hehehe, Goldie! I love yur pickshures! Kool that you saw a rabbit inna sky. And I love the piece of grass hangin frum yur mouth! Momma's a big fan of Clint Eastwood and the spaggetti westurns! Now the theme frum "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" is runnin thru her head!
Hey, I kould call you Blondie, like Clint Eastwood's characktur!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Mmmm spaghetti. It's dinner time here. I wonder if I can get spaghetti?
Huffle Mawson
I say it's always good to keep a snack handy!
Goldie, you look fabulous today! We like munching on grass a lot, too! Renegade Rabbit? Sounds like a great idea for our Story Game purrhaps! hehehe.
Oooooooh we miss The Good, Bad and Ugly ~ you know what we iz going to do exactly that ~ we've got it on dvd and we're gonna watch it today...and we've got some leftover sphagetti too from the other day! so this is gonna be great ~ btw Goldie looks very handsome ~ Clint Eastwood would be envious if he saw Goldie in the last pic!
Great idea. We need to search the tv channels this weekend for an old spaghetti western and I believe mom had some spaghetti left over from last night.
You just can't beat a little snack of good grass some days. Watch out for those clouds!
Dennis says You are Lookin' good! No varmints are going to come around while you're on guard duty, right? they are scared of you! Still it's fun to watch them run away!
Uh-oh, you've got mum humming the theme tune now.
Ah, Goldie, you are so funny! It's a good thing that you're such a good protector and guardian. Those renegade cloud rabbits can be pretty vicious.
Goldie, if you're asking I'm saying yes.
Goldie, you are too funny! Now all you need is a cowkitty hat!
At first I thought you had seen a condor fly over or maybe a big hawk but oooo a flying I wish I could have seen that...
Goldie, those are some great photos of you! Now, I would like to try some 'sketti.
Yoo iz so purty der an i luf da grass in yoor mouf. I sink i wans sum. Mommeh saz she gunna put dat frontline on meh real soon an tak meh out on meh harness.
That's funny! You look ready, no matter what happens! :)
Oh, Goldie! You may be good and you may be bad, but you are not ugly! Yeah, we'll have some spaghetti now!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Gold, you look so nice among the green grass. It makes me wanna be an outdoor kitty too. Or at least a cowkitty. Mooo...? I mean... Stick 'em up!
Well,actually, I want the grass!!!
Purrs Mickey
Goldie, with that grass you look like a laconic ol' cowcat. Just don't go punching any cows, OK?
You look so pretty as you patrol for renegade rabbits.
Keep those rabbits under control. Spaghetti? I love the sauce.
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