This is the stance that Shade takes at supper time in the middle of the kitchen. She does it only there and at that time of day. We don't get treats or fed at a specific time so I don't know where this comes from.
The PM says " Oh no! Shade has fainted again". She can stay there for quite a long time, with everyone almost tripping over her, trying to make supper.
I think it is a desperate attention seeking act.
Some Random Stuff
12 hours ago
Definitely attention seeking. Looks like something Salvador would do.
Huffle Mawson
I guess you might call it "making your presence felt"!
But how could anyone ever forget about you anyway?
We think she has collapsed from hunger.
I always scrathc the kitchen cabinet door til mom opens it to get my food! But I might try this ... it loks good for getting attention!
love Milo xx
hehe What we needs to know is DOES IT WORK? I know my momma couldn't refuse a belly lookin' at her like that , even if it was night after night :P hehehe
It's the kitchen and there is food around!!!!!'nuff said! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
I think she faints because she needs food! I'd do it like that....
Mrs. OZ and Tintin
(Karl has to help the CCSI executives in Africa - you can read about it at
I think a tummy rub is in order...
Hehehe, it not only gets attention but it disturbs the work flow...we is all about disturbing the work flow! Now, rub our tummies...
It's her best femme fatale impression!
Hahaha! Glad to see I'm not the only kitty that does that!
One of my predecessors, Milton, used to do that. Treater thought he had dreams of being a kitchen rug.
Dennis says nothing wrong with getting all the attention you can, and if people trip over you, that's their problem, not yours.
Dennis does a lot of hanging out in the kitchen. Dennis calls the kitchen his HQ.
The better to spy out tasty morsels fallen to the floor! Shade's got the best idea!
Hi Goldie and Shade! So glad you dropped by my blog. I too like to flop in the pathways of my parents. Daddy calls me speedbump on such occaisions.
Does she get treats when she does this? If she does, there is a reason she does it everyday.
Mom says to say thanks for the special purrayers for her foot!
Full Monty alert! I try that too in the kitchen, I am alway looking for a handout!
Who could resist that cute little tummy.
Hehe, I do that for treats too! Mieow, guys! My SS is back from her desert survey but we are without internet at home, so no blogging or visiting at will. Hope you are all well!
Hi Shade, we wanted to let you know that you are today's Featured Tuxie Post at the TGH! It's a new feature we started to highlight a Tuxie everyday!
Samantha & The Tuxedo Gang
PS: If you don't want us to use your post, please let us know and we will take it down. Thank you.
Shade you iz furry silly to lays down in da middles of da floor!
you sure must trust your peepuls lots to do dat!
Katie Too.
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