It has been a real mixed bag this weekend out here in the woods.
The temperature was not too bad and the snow was melting fast! The bad news: it flowed right into our basement.
The PM and MM went to the bank and got the monies for the new windows! Yippee, I can't wait! They even got some extra money and can do a couple of other projects as well. The problem: they can't agree on what to do and how to do it. Everything has to be totally completed by mid July and times a tickin'! In a couple of weeks the gardens will start crying for attention and that is weeks of work. The PM is up to her eyeballs in magazines, how-to books, websites, paint chips....
Banshee has Spring Fever bad! She bolts every time the door is opened and has escaped four times. She has to be locked in the bathroom when the beans are bring in groceries or loading up the car as she can't be trusted.
Also the wee lass has been having some fear issues. The PM figures it is just a stage she is going through. She seems to be preoccupied with death, mainly the PM's and is needing extra attention. The PM's Grammie died last August and the PM thinks the wee lass is now just dealing with it as she had only just turning four next month. She's been having nightmares and is very emotional. The PM is trying to do special one on one things with her to ease her mind a bit.
Yesterday the PM and wee lass dressed up as fairies all afternoon and the PM made up a song about a beautiful fairy in her kitchen. The wee lass asked the PM to sing it at least 20 times. The PM remembered a gift she had bought the lass when she was brand new and went to get it. She had been waiting for the right time to give it to her and this was it.
It is a sweet set of Fairy rooms that snap together to make a little cottage. Each room comes with a fairy.
The real neat thing is that one of the fairies has the same name as the PM.
The PM carefully took "Danica" out of her little satin bag. Isn't she sweet. But what's this?
Yep, "Danica" is missing a hand. The PM could have cried.
Thankfully it was found in the folds of the bag and can be glued on.
The PM is rather emotional herself now and is feeling drained. We have decided to take a little break from blogging so the PM can get the renos planned, the wee lass contented and her creative juices topped up. I don't know where you get a bottle of creative juices, maybe on Ebay.
The PM is in need of yellow and green. She is tired of grey and brown. I have decided to post her favorite photo from last summer to help her get her mojo back!! I still can't get over how handsome I looked!
Wednesday Whinnies
14 minutes ago
We always miss our friends when they take breaks, so we hope you'll be back soon, having resolved windows and fears, and sprung fully into spring!
We noted that the reno had to be done by mid-July. Does this mean that this is when the PM & Co will be heading to the Island? #1 is planning to be there all of July and hopes to see them there!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Oh u are handsome in the photo, yes!
See u later with good news!
We will miss you, but we understand. Goldie, that photo of you is so awesome, tail straight up and happy and handsome!
You take good care of your humans, OK?
Good luck with all your renovations...we hope everything goes well! We unnerstand about breaks...sometimes you just need them...we'll miss you guys, but we'll see you when you get back!
Goldie, we just love that photo of you with green and yellow! We are sending lots of hugs during your break!!
I love that picture of you Goldie! It sounds like there is a lot going on around your house. We will miss you all while you are gone, but we hope your mommy is able to get things set straight!
Everything is really busy for you all there huh? We hope the renovations go well, and that the Wee Lass finds some comfort. The fairy Day sounds like it was a lot of fun.
Goldie, please give your mum a great big snuggle from us.
The fairies are lovely, your wee lass must have been very excited to receive them. We hope the little one is able to resolve some of her fears while you are on your break.
We look forward to seeing you back bright and refreshed:) And that photo of you is simply stunning, Goldie. It's one of the best photos we have ever seen.
We hope your break is restful (but sounds like you'll be working hard!). We love you and will miss you, so we'll be looking forward to you coming back. Goldie, seeing you romping in the sunshine made us feel all happy!
That is a lovely summery photo of you in the green grass with the yellow dandelions Goldie.
We will miss you while you take a break, but we hope when you come back you will have recharged your batteries and caught up with everything that needs doing.
We are glad the PM found the fairy's hand. Maybe the fairy knew the PM had lots to do and was offering a hand with everything.
The fairies look very nice.
Great spring picture!
The fairy room is amazing and so detail oriented. WOW! The fairy hand is so small so no wonder it's missing but happy it got found. You have a nice Monday now.
Those are big and impawtant issues to be dealt with. Chilli was nodding with contentment when she read about Banshee dashing out. She does that on a regular basis too. Once she dashed into the hallway, up the stairs and mom figured instead of running after her she shall just wait and give her a treat when she comes back eventually. Positive reenforcement, you know. After a few minutes she could hear Chilli meowing in front of the last door she got to in the staircase. It was 11:00 PM at night! There are neighbours living behind those doors! So she had to go and chase her... Those crazy calicos!
We are sure the PM and the Music Man will sort everything out and it's going to be a great Summer. We shall be thinking of you a lot! All the best!
Siena & Chilli & Britta
We will miss you! The fairy cottage is such a lovely gift for the Wee Lass. Goldie, that beautiful picture of you surrounded by yellow flowers definitely brightened our day.
Enjoy your break. Green and gold is good!
Sometimes you need a Mojo break. I hope the PM is back in form and feeling great very soon. We love all of you and will miss you like crazy till you come back.
Don't worry Goldie, spring is just around the corner! Soon you'll be showing off that beautiful coat like a lion! Lookin' good!!
You indeed looked very handsome Goldie and we hope that pic cheered your PM up nicely. Danica is a pretty name! Our Mom's name is Donella. She never finds anything with her name!
I hope your blogging break does not last too long - I will miss you!
Huffle Mawson
We hope you all have a good break, and are able to rest your mind and get some jobs done. Take it easy friends.
Poppy q
Have a wonderful mental health break! We agree - greens and yellows are very soothing to one's sensibilities! Summer is great for that.
Goldie, we can see why that is PM's favorite! You are very handsome!
We are on Mom's blog today.
-Gandalf and Grayson
aw the last photo of you posted there is beautiful indeed. trotting through the field, flowers all sunshiny. ahhhhh.
That is a cute little Fairie!
It sounds like you have a lot of work there. We can understand that you need a break and we hope you come back soon....we´ll miss you all!!!!
purrr purrrrr
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Wow, that sure is a lot goin on! Flooded basement, Little Bein worries, injured Fairies, and colorless outside places! We hope that all werks out!
We will miss ya while yer away, but your name will pop up on our screen as soon as ya post again...
I'm so sorry your wee lass is having anxiety about death -- my Baby Bean did the same thing at about 4 (she's about to turn 9). I guess they all go thru it & resolve it in their own way. Fairies are wonderful -- we used to have wall paper flower fairies in BB's room. Goldie, your picture is indeed handsome & I hope you all get to experience some firsthand green grass and yellow flowers and sunshine soon! Cheers!
What a wonderful picture of you. It sure sounds like lots is going on there. I like fairies!
P.S. That was awfully nice of you to compare me to a shell on the beach! :)
Tell your mom to take all the time she needs to take care of things around the house and everyone. I'll miss you, but I'll be here when you get back.
What a wonderful post! Love the fairies & your name ... Beautiful. The Wee One is lucky to have such a caring Mom & gorgeous kitties ... Life is Good.
Now you just need some Spring time color! That should get your juices flowing. Purrzzzzzzz!
There is certainly a lot going on at your house. I hope that the mental health break does wonders for the PM and that all the renovations get done on time. You look wonderful in the green grass and yellow flowers, Goldie. I'll see you again when you get back.
I love the sound of the fairy song, I wish I could hear that. FAZ
Goldie,we had that rain too :O We did not have any flooding though . We are up on a hill,so we only have problems when it snows :/
We totally understand the need for a break. Mom has a new job and is away from home longer and the evenings are too short. Dial up is not fast at night for visiting blogs! It does not leave any time for other interests either.
Have a nice rest,but come back...K?
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
A very nice little house, tell your mom not to work too hard. Hope you all have a nice Easter.
Goldie I bet your momma smiled real big when she saw that picture I know mine did and she is not even your momma! :)
It sounds like your momma needs lots of loving and lots of smiles,We can't even imagine how it must feel to have stress with so many other things and to also have an upset little one...And my momma thought she needed a break.. she has nothing on your momma! :)
We are purring and hoping that everything works out ok as it usually does, but we want it to be all ok quick so we will puur hard.
Take care of yourselves and don;t be strangers :)))
Lots of nosebutts
Vic and momma V
Hi, just peeking in to leave some purrs and a nice Easter bouquet of sunny daffodils and sweet-scented hyacinths for the PM. Hope she and the wee lass are both feeling better and that all is well with the rest of the family, 2-legged and 4-legged alike.
Hi Goldie, Shade, Banshee and PM, MM, and wee folks! You've had quite a winter up there in the beautiful north woods. It is hard work to live in a place where Mother Nature rules, but you are doing a great job of respectful co-existence. Your blog always makes my Food Lady really happy.
Mother Nature takes a toll on homes out there in the woods too, and renovations can be a pain in the neck. We have had a few in our 1880's cottage, and I hated them all. Too many people walking through my house and too much noise! But once it is all done, and you are all comfy again, you will be happy you did it.
Enjoy your spring and we'll be purring for speedy and successful renovations. And we'll miss you too!
Purrs and paws, your pal, Halloween
Whatta great pickshure of you in the field, Goldie! And we're sendin lots and lots of purrs and good vibes to you and yur fambly. We hope alla yur projeckts go smoothly! Lots of head rubbies to you all.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
banshee, i left you something, HERE!
That is a great photo of you!! You are frolicking in that grass!
We hope you get lots of new green and yellow soon! That is a very gorgeous picture of you Goldie!
Have a great week!
Hey furriends! We want to invite you over to celebrate Siena's first birthday tomorrow. Bring the PM, the Music Man and the wee ones too - it will be a nice relaxing day out in the garden!
We hope that things are going well and that you will be back soon.
I'm so glad you all enjoyed yourselves on Wednesday! The PM really seemed thirsty for Spring and flowers - but it won't be long now for you either! Thank you for coming, it wouldn't have been half the fun without you!
Purrs, Siena, your Ladycat.
Dear Goldie & Shade,
Bot, da brakesez we unnderstand!!! We sure iz grate-full dats you are our palz.. &, we tinks dat ppic of you frum lastee summer iz furry hand-some.
Tank you so much fur purrin' fur my brudder da Maxi. If it wazn't for da outpourin' of da purrz frum kitteez likes you... I don'ts know if I would still haz a brudder.
He iz now eatin' & I tinks we iz gonna haz him up & chasin' da rack-coonz purrty soon.
We lovez you,
Dr Tweety
Are you coming back soon??? We hope your beans projects are going well. My beans have lots to do too but they are way behind.
Hey, did you ever get to kill the mouse in the chips?
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