We are finally back to blogging! That was our longest break ever and I am very glad it is over. Still lots to do around here but we are striking a fine balance.
Spring has finally arrived out here in the woods and we are so very thankful.
Our Easter weekend looked like this.
Very depressing indeed.
The past few weeks it has rained and warmed up so that the only snow left in the yard was this tiny pile last weekend.
This week it reached 28 degrees outside and the landscape is getting greener by the minute! They are now complaining that they have jumped right into summer! They need to enjoy each day and quit the fussing!!
The PM was happy last night, lying in bed knowing her family was safe beneath their covers, a cat to each bed while the spring peepers sang their wonderful marsh song into the night.
9 hours ago
Banshee, Goldie, Shade and family...we have missed you so much and we are so happy to see you again! Happy spring!!!!
we mist you so glad u ar back
We were JUST peeking at your bloggie tonight to see if you might have posted a comment or two...and there you are! We've really missed you, Goldie, Shade, and Banshee! Thank goodness your winter is finally over. We had the same absurdly warm weather here this past weekend (now it's back to being cooler than normal for this time of year!). We hope the wee lass has gotten over her fears...and we look forward to hearing from you all regularly again.
::Claps Paws and dances a jig with Mommy:: You're Back!!
Hi, welcome back!!! I have only just returned to blogging myself and I am sure, like me, you are missing all your furriends.
Welcome back! We've missed you! We hope your break was refreshing and rejuvenating:)
We're glad to see you back.
Hurray! It's wonderful to have you back!!!
Your Friends,
Tom, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Welcome back kitties! I've missed you.
Huffle Mawson
Welcome back! I missed all of you! I hope you had a nice break and enjoyed the warmer weather!
YAY!! We're glad you're back!! We missed you too!!
Boots & Brenda
So glad you guys are back!!! Yippee!
Banshee, Goldie, Shade so glad to see you. We missed you bunches.
We didn't have any problems with birds pooping on the dill, but then it wasn't there very long. But we have never had problems with birds pooping in that flower bed. We actually didn't think about it. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
PS: A little bit of the dill is coming back up. We were very happy to see it. Our oregano is doing great down at the butterfly garden. And the pineapple sage is a site to behold. Our herbs are all spread out. Mommy isn't very good at organizing our garden.
I am glad you are back, too!
Happy Spring! And welcome back to the blogosphere!
Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson
Wow from snow to 28 deg. wow what a change. I would rather have the 28 thanks.
Hugs GJ x
oh we missed you guys so much! -tes
Oh you are back, we are glad about that because we missed you!!!
That is great...spring is coming to you too.
Happy Weekend!!!
Oh yes, finally! This was getting far too long! We missed you, we really did! It is so wonderful that Spring has finally arrived at your place! Yay!
Purrs and most loving noselicks,
Siena & Chilli
Welcome back guys!!!!!!
We too ebjoyed the hot day we got and are confused bu the warm, cold, warm days ;)
Mom says it's just typical Maritime weather ,heehee
Yay for Spring!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Welcome back! We missed you guys! We're happy to hear spring has finally sprung!!!
Welcome back. It's so good to see you again.
We're happy to hear things are good and that you're back to keep us posted on your everyday experiences. (And we're also glad those experiences don't include snow anymore!)
Welcome back!! You have been missed!!
Yay! You're back! We missed you.
So glad your back I really missed you.Spring is great plenty of sunshine and yummy...errr I mean cute birds to look at.
It's very good to have you back. You have been missed!
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