This happened a few weeks ago and the PM is still annoyed with me.
It was the first real nice day out and those other two were allowed out with the PM as long as they hung out by the garden. They looked so happy to be out and I just got to look through the window and holler. I have to admit that the PM did try to put that horrid harness on me so I could go too but I was not having any of that business!
Everyone came back inside a few hours later and the PM opened the one window that actually can open on the main floor for me to look out and smell the nice warm breeze. She then went upstairs to put some clothes away. I smelled the breeze for a few minutes then started testing the edges of the screen for weakness. I did this very casual like, not to raise the suspicions of the wee ones who were playing on the floor beside me, knee deep in a Lego pile.
The screen proved to be nice and old, ready to pull apart under my talons!
I started digging with a vengeance, hellbent on getting out! The wee ones started yelling for the PM as I had made a small hole and was trying to stuff myself into it! The PM came flying down the stairs, just as I squeezed my rump through. I hit the ground running fast!!
The PM came after me but I kept running. I was a tad frantic, racing through the berm and the fields, crying. The PM thought it looked like I was looking for my kittens. I spotted a barn on the edge of the property and bolted for it. The PM was trying to catch up yelling at me to not go in the barn. How was I to know that it wasn't ours? The PM had to cross over the electric fence, thankful that the cows are only in that field in the Fall. She tried calling for me nicely but I sniffed around the door then slipped right in!
I snooped around for a few minutes but finding nothing of interest, I snuck out a crack in the walls. I thought I smelled something and headed towards two hills. The PM started screaming as that is where the foxes hang out. I was surrounded by some lovely exotic aromas and stopped to get a bigger whiff. The PM grabbed me when I had my nose in a pile of dirt. Darn it! I did my pinwheel legs all the way to the house but the PM held me tight.
The next day I was very frustrated! I am afraid I took it out on a very innocent victim. If you have a weak stomach look away.
I feel a little guilty now and mad at myself as the nanner had to go in the garbage as reconstructive surgery was not possible.
10 hours ago
What an adventure. We are glad you are safe and inside again.
What an amazing adventure! Your human must have been really worried. We're glad you're safe (foxes sound dangerous), but we understand why you want to get outside. Maybe you could learn to like the harness?
Way to go Banshee! What a spectacular escape! No screen can stop us. Ha!
Purrs from escapista to escapista, Siena.
Wow, Banshee, you were clearly one determined kitty! We're glad the PM was able t catch you before you got into any real trouble, though. Has she tried the Puppia harness? Tama-Chan absolutely loves her. It just seems to be unusually comfortable for a harness.
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Was it worth it for a few moments of freedom Banshee?
Huffle Mawson
That sounds like a right royal adventure, Banshee! Mum has been giving us our dinner while we wear our harnesses, to try and get us to like them a bit more.
Banshee - don't do that to the PM! Inside = good!
Oh my goodness Banshee.. I heard that a mothers maternal instincts were strong what WTF girl?!?!
Why would you make your momma get so upset, your momma who gave-ed you such a beautiful loving homes.. little Miss you has to haves a talk and a sorry session me thinks.. I know my momma would have been freaking out to mega like! :))
You must be very brave to go out like that. I'm glad you got back ok.
Wow Banshee, you little tearaway. We can understand you not liking a harness cuz neither of us would wear one. You have to be good though and not scare your mum like that, she is only trying to protect you.
Wow Banshee!! You and Siena could teach a class on how to escape! I'm glad you made it back safely!
From #1: Your comment on our blog made me laugh out right. Very creative thinking! In fact, they are Sumo wrestlers with monthly calendars on their decorative "aprons". Each year, a friend in Japan sends me a set of calendar stickies for my Mac. It's always fun to see what will show up!
Ah yes
It is a nice thing but it takes years off my mom's life!
Banshee, you need to be more careful girl!! If you are going to escape don't go running off like casual about it...hang close. You are guaranteeing lock down for life!
Dear Banshee,
You are my hero-ine! I only wish I had such a chance..I'd never get caught! Nevah!
Oh your moment of fredom must have realy scared your mum, I hope she is ok. Glad the little beans shouted her for help. Looks like the screen will need a fixing joby now.
Hugs GJ xxx
You are quite the adventuress, Banshee! Clever girl! But we think with foxes and such, you may want to acquiesce to the safety of the harness!
You sure are one determined lady. FAZ
That was very exciting!!!!
Banshee, you are furry, furry wily and determined to get your ways, but I'm so glad your PM loves you so much to follow you like that -- even at her own purril! Best to take ur furustrations out on something inanimate like the nanner. Good girl!
Thanks fur visiting the 3-Ds, too!
Banshee, the outdoors is a big scary place. You should be content with staying inside where it's safe. I'm glad you're okay!
The great escape,high speed chase,trashing the toys....Yup!!! Sounds like you will be seriously grounded!!!!!!!! heehee bet is was fun though ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We're glad you're okay, Banshee! What a scary adventure.
Banshee you're my hero, Mom is calling you naughty.
Banshee, you had us on the edge of our seats reading about your great escape! How exciting!
Wow, you are rough on your naners! We have never done that!
What an adventure you had! I'm very impressed that you managed to escape through the screen...I hope you didn't strain anything(screen...strain...haha!)
That was quite an adventure!I want to be outside, too, but I am not allowed unless I wear a horrible, evil, bone-stealing, paralyzing harness. THose things are EVIL.
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