On Monday, the PM went outside to hang some washing when she met the fox crossing the yard. The fox looked at the PM and trotted into the berm. The PM thought she heard some different sounds and went to take a closer look.
There in the berm were two fox kits, running among the overgrown bushes, jumping and rolling. She then saw the mother fox run out to the field. The PM watched from inside and saw the fox come back with a mouse. It seems like she is using the berm in our front yard as a little daycare, leaving the kits safely there while she hunts for their meals. She was there again in the evening and the following morning.
When the mama fox takes a break, she likes to stand by the bank facing our front windows in the morning sun.
This is the shot from our window.
The PM zoomed in to get a closer look, sorry for the fuzziness.
I sit on the ledge and watch the wild ones frolic. She looks at me and I look at her and purr.
9 hours ago
Oh my goodness! That is so amazing! A family of foxes!! The babies are adorable. That is so cool that they are in your yard!
Wow, what fantastic pictures! We aint nefer see a "fox" afore... It looks cattish.
Oh how wonderful to have those in your garden. Just adorable. Thank you for sharing those amazing pictures. Just lovely...
Hugs GJ xx
What wonderful photos of the mother and her family.
A truly amazing group of photos of a beautiful little family... how
blessed you are to be able to watch them all...
Beautiful little ones! We have raccoons at the swamp, but no fox. So cute!
How beautiful! Goldie seems to like them too
So so so cute!!! Those kits are just plain adorable!
We have a brown fox that comes by every night to eat the squirrel food that falls out of the feeder or the food we leave out for neighborhood kitties. Mom named him Leroy Brown.
Wow, they are amazing! I can see why you'd need to stay inside when they are around! Those little kits are adorable.
What a sweet little foxy family. Mum has only seen foxes when she lived in London, and you would see ones foraging along railway tracks. We don't have any in New Zealand.
We hope that the babies can grow up safe and strong.
what wonderful pictures! Mama Fox looks rather lean, but her babies certainly look plump and healthy. She's a smart vixen to park her babies in the berm while she hunts...and of course she's got a big ginger kitty watching over them.
#1 says she's had foxes under her shed on the Island and just loves them! Great pics!
These are fantastic pictures -- I'm going to direct my Mom here because she would really like these. My mom and dad live out in the country and have all sorts of wildlife too! Nice of you to provide a fox daycare service!!
You have a very talented photographer human. Those baby foxes looks very cute.
Oh my gosh, how lucky you are to get to see that! Thanks for sharing.
Maybe woo want to show them this video too:
Tank woo fur sharing your foxes!
Those are wonderful pictures of the momma and her two "foxlings". They are beautiful animals! If they only weren't so dangerous to you guys!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Oh how amazing is that?
You are so lucky to have such a wonderful view!!! I have never seen a fox in the wildlife .
Thank you for showing us these picture.
hugs and purrrs
Wow! Those are amazing pictures.
What wonderful photos! That certainly will give you plenty to keep track of all the day long. It will be fun to watch the little ones grow.
Glad that you stopped by and left the nice comments about the latest CCSI show! So happy that you enjoyed it.
Wow! That must be fun to watch those foxes!
OH my goodness you live in the most beautiful place Goldie!
My momma loves the foxies and she is just a squeein so loud right now and can't wait for the dadda to get up and show him!
What a magical magical place! "Ok momma pack your bags we is a moovin'!" hahaha
How cool, your own foxies to watch. Seeing the babies is neat.
Sorry you set Mom off.
Hey there!
Nice post, nice photos. We have no yard.. We wish we have a yard like that. Lovely~
The Purrrrs,
Memon & Jebat
Oh, isn't that amazing! I love seeing wildlife up close and PURRsonal! Those babies (and their mama) are simply adorable! Goldie's got a great PURRspective on the world, too!
Those little fox babies are sooo cute!
Pee Ess: Thanks for wishing our Mama well. Your Mom woke up during the scope? AAAAAHH!
Bebbees! They are so dang cute! Gorgeous place where you lives.
THAT IS THE COOOOOOLLLEEEESSST THING EVARRRR! Whew! Did you hear me say that all the way at your house? How neat! I'll bet you've looked up all about them and know everything about foxes now. The pictures are great! Thanks for sharin' with us.
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! we've never seen fox BABIES before! how CUTE! we LOVED seeing those photos! Thank you so much! please do share more!
O MY u ar so lucky to have all this gods Beauty do you feet them the mom look lik she has not eten i yers lol
Wow, dat is so furry neat! I luvs da pictures, dey is wonderfur.
I luvs to looks out da window at da birdies!
Awesome! This is soooo cute! What a treat for all of you to be able to watch this!
Mrs. OZ
Awww, those are such cute babies! You are so lucky to get to watch them from your window!
What a neat view to have. The foxes are so very cute.
Goldie,while it is sad you must stay in with the fox around, we must say we are delighted to see them!! We have never seen a fox family in real life! They must be a delight to watch :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
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