My new kitten cousins are doing pretty good and growing like the weeds in the PM's garden. There seems to be an odd habit with Bella, the little tuxie.
Hi there, Bella Stella.
I know this kind of embarrassing but maybe some of my feline friends can help.
You want me to ask? OK.
Well, to put it simply, sweet Bella here wants to pee and poop down the drains. She does it in the bathroom sink, the kitchen sink and in the bathtub. The PM's sister is at a loss and doesn't know why she is doing it and how to get her to stop. Kenny, the bro doesn't do it at all, just Bella.
I have no clue. I have been known to use the facilities in various venues but never in the drains. Too much work and you really need a dead on aim.
So, does any cat out there have any ideas??????
My Pink Long-Sleeved Sweater on Video!
10 hours ago
Hehe, this reminds me too much of the day Chica came surprisingly to our house and we didn't have a litterbox. She was using the drain and when I woke up in the middle of the night I heard her meowing and smelled that....errrr.
When we got the litterbox the other day she used it directly, so I am sorry, I cannot help with that.
Just one idea: Maybe Bella doesn't like the place of the litterbox?!
Mom says: I would assume she smells something, perhaps you may want to clean out the drains. If you're on a septic system, there may be sulphur odors backing up through the drains that she can already smell but you may not yet.
On the upside, you may actually be able to easily train her to use the toilet; she's already half-way there! Wouldn't it be great if a litterbox wasn't needed and all you had to do were flush?
Little Bella is a cute little kitty. She is a tortie I think, and that means tortitude :) I do not know why she does this. I wonder if her Cat Mom taught her in using the litterbox. I hope somecat has good ideas.
Purrs Mickey
I'm guessing she doesn't know how to use the box. Her beans should gently place her in it and make scraping motions with her paws. She might catch on that way...
Is this a new behavior? If so, a quick check at the vet might be in order. If she has always done this, then maybe Parker is right and she never learned how to use the box.
Awww she's so adorable.I agree with Parker :)
Check to see if the litterbox is in a high traffic area..if there's another cat lurking about while she's trying to go, that may explain her tendency to go in a place not frequented by the other cats..also, that it is cleaned out frequently. It may be necessary to establish a separate litterbox for her..she may be threatened, initially, by the odor of other cats in the box.
P.S. She's cute!
Poor Bella. I hope she's able to adjust soon.
Oah Stella~~~
What a lovely lady~~~~~
I like her already~~~~
I agree with Parker as well~!!
Maybe little Bella is anxious about the other cats' smells coming from the box? When my friend Bo Diddley had this problem, the humans got him a plug-in mama cat phermone thingy for right by the box and it kinda helped. For awhile.
Sorry to hear about Bella's problem. We've only ever used our litterboxes, so we have no idea why she would do that. Has she been checked out by a vet? Do they have enough litterboxes (the rule of thumb is one litterbox per cat plus one)?
This is a strange problem, but I guess better than her doing it on the carpet or someplace worse! I don't know.....maybe put some nip in the litter box to entice her? She has such an innocent face!
We've always been good with the litter box, so we can't be any help! But our Mommy says that she agrees with Parker and Daisy, but would suggest adding a top (sometimes privacy is an issue). Also, if Bella used to be an outdoor kitty so she may not understand kitty litter - try mixing in a bit of dirt and she may get the idea.
she may either not know how to use the box (or if it is covered may be afraid of it) or doesn't like the feel of the litter on her paws.
she may also need her own litterbox as we've heard some cats in multicat households don't share well either because it is "occupied" when they need to go, or because it smells like another cat's territory.
don't be embarrassed Bella, we all have troubles with things like this from time to time.
my George will use the tub but i think it is he is to lacy to go down stairs to his box NESTY BUT but a list he is not doing it in corners lo GOOD LUCK
I would take her to the vet for a good check up. Cats have an odd way of communicating when it comes to sickness or pain they're feeling. I've heard of this kind of thing happening before. The cat is ill or has an urinary tract infection and starts to pee in the sink or tub. That's how they let you know.
It could also be something more simple, maybe she doesn't like the smell of the litter used or how it feels on her paws. I'd go to the vet first narrow down the scary stuff and then try a new litter, try a new litter location, etc.
Ahhhh yes! The drain! My brother Shaddy use to do that but only in the tub drain... Well, okay, once in awhile he'd use the bathroom sink drain too but really, he was too big to get up there often so he stuck with the tub.
He still used the litter box too but I think he used the drain when he was just too lazy to go downstairs to use the box. Nothing ever came of it, he just went through his phases and Mom would just clean it up when she found it.
Sunny The Bunny
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