We are all enjoying the decorations that are up, they seem to have brought out the playful side of Shade. She has been sleeping and playing under the Christmas tree. It must remind her of summer, having a real tree inside.
Banshee and I are rather fascinated by this turn of events.
We also wanted to do a love post for Vampy Victor. It was his two year old birthday and he posted this meme.
Victor's Birthday Love In
So because I am a little ball of love made corporeal I figured That you guys always hear my stories of conquest and loving.. I would love to hear yours.
There is no real rules, just hear a story of seduction or love, hooman or furry baby,(hey I need new techniques).
First off we'll talk of romantic love. The PM and MM are a little on the wild side sometimes and they decided to get married in a wedding chapel in Las Vegas. They could have even had an Elvis Impersonator sing but they didn't. Anyway, the romantic part came after on their honeymoon. They went on a road trip through Arizona and when they were visiting the Grand Canyon, the PM took out the flowers she had saved from her wedding and threw them into the canyon. That was a very, very long way down!!
Now, motherly love. When the PM was 8 and her sister was 6 years old, their mom got very, very sick and had to go to a bigger city 4 hours away for treatment. She had been there for weeks and the girls were missing their mom quite a bit. They shared a room and one night they both woke up and saw their mom standing at the window. She was wearing a green nightdress, the same one she was wearing at the hospital. She didn't say anything but the girls felt comforted and went back to sleep. They later found out that their mom almost died that night. She loved her girls so much that she came by to make sure they were OK. People think that the PM and her sister must have dreamt it but how could they both dream the same thing? They were both looking for their mom the next morning as they thought she had come home. Their mom got better and came home and we are very glad as The Nanny gives us lots of love when she comes to visit!!!

Your tree looks lovely, Shade! Are you keeping the best under the tree spot all to yourself?
We think Victor will love those stories. We think your Nanny came to visit with your mum and her sister, and she knew that she had to hold on for them. Love is a very magical thing:)
Shade, we are happy you are loving your Christmas tree!:)
Oh Shade, aren't trees just the best?
Those were great stories - love is a very powerful and wonderful thing!
Shade is definately Queen of the Tree!
What beautiful stories. Both very touching. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Whicky Wuudler
Oh a real tree inside. We haven't had one of those in a long time. I certainly do miss the nice cedar smell. ~Socks
We have never had one, we think Mommy's artificial tree looks funny. Beans make weird trees Mother Nature does much better. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Ohh Shade you is looking mighty frisky.. maybe I should get myself a tree and see what it does to my Mushka *wink wink* :))
Oh I love your love stories!!! My Momma loves this movie where the people in the movie do exactly that!!! We can picture your Momma riding in a topless car hair blowing the the wind.. oh wow!
And your nanny coming to visit, we very much believe, and like Forever Foster, think that is what probably gave her the will to make it through, we are very glad she did :))
Thank you so so much for sharing such wonderful stories with us!!!
We do haves to ask, does your Nanny remember any of it? :)))
Kind romantic cuddles
Vic :)))
At first we thought you meant the PM was topless! Ha ha!! She's not THAT wild!!!!!
The Nanny said that she was very sick and in and out of consciousness that night and she remembers the feeling of floating.
We're happy you're enjoying your tree, and we just loved the story about your mom when she was a little girl!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
Shade we loved the stories ... and we thought you look absolutely gorgeous under the christmas tree...
Wow, that story gave us chills...good ones though! We tagged you for an award, but the cat was already out of the bag!
Wow! That was quite a story...and Shade, you look so purrty under the tree...like a present!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
pee ess. our mom and dad got married in LV too...Elvis didn't sing either!
We liked your stories of love. We don't think your mum and sister dreamt it. We believe your nanny was able to send her spirit when she was so ill.
Under the Chris Mouse tree is a very good place to hang out Shade.
Shade looks lovely under the tree!
Those were both wonderful stories. My grandmama had a similar experience with HER mommy . . . her mommy was in the hospital close to dying with an aneurism, and that night grandmama heard her mommy call her name very loudly several times. It was so loud and so real that grandmama forgot for a moment that her mommy was in the hospital and not at home.
That is a beeeyutiful tree! Our tree is little tiny so Mama doesn't have to fish us out of it. It's even too little for Iago to climb!
Shade, you picked the right spot. You're the centre of attraction there! The love stories were both very touching. We are so glad you shared them.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Shade, that's such a great picture of you under the Christmas tree. You have such pretty markings on your fur. It's really nice to see Goldie and Banshee sitting so close together. It looks like Banshee is fitting right in. That is such a cool image of the PM's wedding flowers being dropped into the Grand Canyon,...and very romantic.
Oh Shade you look great in evergreen.
What great stories! The night that Mommy's Grandmother died she had a dream and heard the sound of wind blowing a flag (Gramma had a flag thing)she told Mommy to remember that everytime she heard that sound it meant her Gramma was with her.
Lovely tree. Are you waiting for the presents to be delivered?
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