The beans just got home and it has been raining/ freezing rain for a couple of days now. They were supposed to be home yesterday morning but couldn't make it as the road was treacherous. They always leave us extra food and water so we were OK but the PM was worried as this was the first time Banshee was left out with us while they were away. Banshee was very well behaved though. The PM was happy to see the Christmas tree in one piece and still standing but not so pleased with the 8 inches of water in the basement! Our basement is only 4 feet high so we don't keep anything down there. Quite a mess though.
The PM took some time out of the craziness to do our draw. Thank you so much for all the comments! We put everyone in for the draws, even our overseas friends as the PM wanted all included.
She put all the names on pieces of paper and the wee ones each picked out one.
The wee lad went first and picked the winner of the fray cat ray rug and the winner is......
Our good friend, Victor!! Oh, the lovin' that's going to be going on on that mat!!!!!
The PM finished our shrews as she was smart and brought them in town with her.
She had to hide them from us as we were going a bit crazy with them!
The wee lass picked out the name for this draw. The winner of the toy shrews is....
Our wonderful friend, Fui !!!
The PM was laughing as both of our winners were from "Down Under"!! The wee lad didn't know what she thought was so funny. The PM said she should have made a video of the drawing but her brain is a bit frazzled!!
Fui, we have your address from the Christmas cards and we'll put your shrews in the mail tomorrow!
Victor, you can send us your address at danica_130 at yahoo dot com and we'll get the love mat out to you!
This is going to be a crazy weekend but we are going to try and visit as many of our friends as we can.
Have a great one, all!!!!
Some Random Stuff
12 hours ago
Congratulations to the winners! Those shrews are just about the cutest things I have ever seen.
Concats to the winners. Honestly, those are lovely, lovely present - concats!
Siena & Chilli
P.S.: Glad that the tree is still standing and everything went fine.
Concats to the winners. I caught a shrew earlier this evening. It's pouring with rain so I brought it into the kitchen to play with.Mum made me take it back outdoors though. Spoilsport!
stoopid mommeh haz been soo busy lately- we didn't even know yoo waz haffin a draw. How can we git sum of dem shrews?!
Oh Shrewt, no apricot floof or shrews are coming, what a bummer! Your PM is quite talented!
I am so glad that your Momma waited till it was safer to come home, better a whole late Momma than no Momma at all :) And I am even more gladder-er that you all were so well behaved!! way to go guys!! :))
and now what I hasz been hanging to say WOOHOOWOOWOOOWOOOHEY!!
OMC I iz so excited!!! it is such a puuretty blankie and I so totally never thought.. anyways.. thank you thank you!! Wee Lad!! You did the random thing gud! :)))
I'll get to emailing you right now!!:))
We're so glad your beans got home safely. We're so sorry we missed the drawing, but the prizes look fantastic. Congrats to the winners. Those shrews are so cute!
Oh wow oh wow! What an exciting day! I have never won anything (unless you count the time the vet said "congratulations, it's a UTI)! Thankyou very much Goldie!
We are glad that your family are home safe. Our mum has also taken to leaving extra food and water out because we've had so many storm warnings. We are also part of the neighbourhood cat watch, incase of a cyclone. Good on Banshee for being a good girl while the parents were away:)
And thankyou again!:)
Yeah! Congrats to the winners! Those are some furry cool prizes they won!
See, we all can be winners...if only Victor will promise to take pictures of himself on that blankie and Fui shares those shrews with the new arrival kittens...we can all have fun seeing it! Concatulations!
Congratulations to all of the winners! Those shrews and blanket are so adorable - your mum is very talented. I have caught mice, a vole and even a chipmunk but never a shrew!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
ConCATulahsuns to the winners! Those are such adorabble shrews.
We Ballicai are sorry we missed yur Blogivershary! ConCATUlashuns, and we hope you hadded a great day. We love you! And Brainball sends a high paw to his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Big congratulations to Victor and Fui!!!
I hope your crazy weekend is a nice one. :)
Wowzers!!! Victor and Fui will be so happy to get those fine gifts!!!!
I am glad you made it through all the stormy weather!!! You even left the tree alone !!! :o
I love grass. There is grass outside, but Mom said is has been frozen and thawed too many times this month alone!!! It will not taste the same !! Oh well,there is catnip ;)
Purrs Mickey
Big congratulations to the winners! Those are some lovely prizes. Vic is gonna be such a schmuggle bunny on that balnket and Sui, Fui and the kittens are gonna be going wild for those cute shrews! Very glad your apes are home safe, but I'm disappointed that you didn't redecorate that tree! How could you resist?
Whicky Wuudler
Concats to the winners!!!! The Ozzie kitties did a scoop!!!! Good on yer!!! They are such nice pressies. Maybe if the 'down under' luck holds I might win something in the next draw :)
I think that it's really cool that Victor and Fui won the prizes. Both of them have new kittens and I am sure that the blanket and shrews are going to get a real workout. Those shrews are really cute.
Congratulations to the Down Under winners! We know they will enjoy those cute little shrews! And that mat is to die for!
Mommy finally picked up our mail from the post office, and we received your Christmas card. Goldie looks gorgeous in the picture. Thank you so much for sending us a card.
Congrats to all of the winners!
Big day tomorrow! Thanks for all of your hard work.
Congratulations to the winners!
Goldie - I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful acting job you did! You totally captured the character of Detective Klug better than I could have ever written it!
Rats! I missed this drawing! Mom has been too busy lately to help me visit everyone.
Those shrews are really cute.
Come to mine purrthday on 17 dec! I is going to become a BIG MAN CAT then!
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