Slowly we are getting the house ready for the festive season.
Banshee and I have been snoopervising while Shade spends the days, roasting next to the woodstove.
Yep, no breakables left in here, PM
This is very interesting. I have never been around so many shiny, pretty things.
This light flashing, bell jingling, snowman singing thing really has to go, though.
Some Random Stuff
12 hours ago
Goldie, have you had your whiskers permed? They look marvellous!
Banshee, we are so happy to see you settling in so well. You look right at home snoopervising there:)
Banshee, it makes my little heart so happy to see you in your forever home for your first Christmas! And I agree, I'd be looking for the off button too!
Goldie, you look so comfortable snoopervising from your place in the sun. Banshee, you'll love this Christmas thing! a very special time of year for young cats to discover all kinds of bright sparkly crinkly piney smelling things...and to feel the warmth and happiness of your furever home.
It is clear, Goldie, that you are a very discerning pussycat who is not pleased with just ANY Christmas decoration. We are putting our tree and decorations on Thursday and we can't wait!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
Ever so slowly our decorations are coming out...I got in trouble because I chewed a pinecone from the feet of a he's where I can't get him....unfair! Banshee is looking like she will have an awesome first Christmas!
we wish we could have christmas decorations - but we have billy the destroyer of everything.
Banshee, you look serious about the snowman. Maybe if you attack him a little bit he might know where his place is. Isn't snoopervising great? Although this "roasting" away next to the woodstove might have furry much in it's favour too. How are things going with the pro growler?
Purrrrrrrrs, Siena & Chilli
Banshee, you are going to love Chris Mouse. There will be so many new things to whap.
Banshee, we know how you feel. We don't like the loud Christmas decorations either...we bet you could make that a "breakable." heheheh!
I think the jingling snowman knows his days are numbered, he has a sort of resigned smile as Banshee delivers the glare of doom from the shadows.
Whicky Wuudler
You kitties are doin a great job snoopervisin! And what adorabble pickshures of you and yur Chrissmouse goodies!
Brainball sends a high paw to his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You are both wonderful snoopervisors. I agree with Banshee that if the decoration is loud it should go ...unless it's loud because we just smashied it.
The niece thingy has a singing Santa drives me and mom crazy.Yet last year he had alittle accident and fell.He never sang again...Wonder what happened :)
What a wonderful Christmas this is going to be...
Thank you for helping make my Gotcha Day so warm, wonderful, and happy!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Oh so cute little helpers. Hope Banshees first Christmas in your home will be very wonderful.
We are slowly with decorations this year too and Olli is interested in everything like bells and walking santas and hanging things.
Luna, Luzie and Olli
hahah Banshee you has the bestest "WTF?" face ever!! You should be the LOL cat "WT?" cat! :))
Goldie I has seen so many gorgeous pictures of yourself but never noticed just how curly your whiskers are... hehe they is pawsome! :))
I must say, I am not too crazy about dancing things either!! They startle me ;)
Purrs Mickey
We thinks you had a more interesting job to snoopervise. We spent the day watching Mommy wash rocks and dust youngest boy beans (SNEEZE) room (SNEEZE). ~S,S & C
I have a sneaky suspicion that if that snowman keeps jingling that Banshee will take care of it.
Sneak and destroy Banshee.
You are lucky to have all these nice things to lay with! No X-mas in this house here.... The staff doesn't do holidays...
Thank you so much for coming to Ruis birthday party! It wouldn't have been the same without you!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, and Karl
I'm looking forward to snoopervising the decorating of the KissMouse tree, and even more so to the eating of the turkey - this is something I'm sure to excel at! ;)
You kitties are SO LUCKY to have Christmas! My People don't do that.
I still manage to play with my share of wrapping paper, though.
Paws 'n Claws,
Anything that jingles is a kitty toy that must be whapped.
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