Our wonderful friends, Tama-Chan and Tom, gave us this very fancy award. Thanks so much!
It is awarded to those who seem to have a little bit of magic around them and we are to pass this on to three magical friends. I agree with Tama-Chan that all of our friends are magical and special but we have decided to pass this on to the following friends~
We were also tagged by the always fun Siena and Chilli for the 5th photo meme. We had done this before but the Music Man has since changed the photo folders so we got something different.
This is a pic of seaweed from the trip to PEI last summer. The PM has a bit of a seaweed fetish and she has many, many pics of different types. This is her favorite. The colour is vivid and it feels like a thick silk ribbon.

I know. She's weird.
Our plans for the weekend are simple.
Birds, birds and more birds.
There has been a huge run of birds at the feeder the last few days. Snow buntings, blue jays, redpolls, pine siskens, mourning doves and evening grosbeaks.

We may need a bib so to not ruin the wood with excessive drool.