I was supposed to have a post today of all the wonderful awards we were given during our time off. Nope.
We were supposed to have visited our friends yesterday. Nope.
You know why? Because the PM screwed up. We are on sloooow dial up out here in the woods so the PM has a technique for visiting blogs. She gets five ready to load and loads them up one at a time while doing other things. Then she sits down to read and add our comments. Then we do another five. If we try to do too many, we risk the chance that our browser will crash and lose everything. Well the PM called a contractor to ask him to come over sometime and expected that he not be there and that he'd only be able to come late this week. He answered his phone and said he'd be here in an hour. The PM wasn't even dressed yet so she flew around and got everything ready. The men came and stayed quite awhile.
While this was going on, the PM kept loading up blogs to read later. I knew she was taking a chance. Finally at 3:30, the men were gone and the Music Man took the wee ones out for a snow run. The PM decided to sit and help us blog while supper was cooking. She made one comment, one comment and then it crashed. All twenty some blogs gone. I am glad the wee ones were outside and the language that was heard was not meant for sensitive ears.
I am very mad at her and gave her the back for the rest of the day.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Awww sorry you are ticked off but sounds like she did her best. Try not to be mad for too long ;)
Oh Dear! Blogging in dial-up hell requires considerable fortitude and courage, so we think you need to give your PM some big purrs for doing such a great job!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
PS: They finally got WiFi broadband on Argyle Shore so anything is possible!!!
OH hey you guys.. you know, I should be on your side, but wow your momma does it tough! And I listen to mine momma stress over how many friends to visit.. you haves to give your momma lot and lots of credit for even visiting! :))
WE thinks you does just great momma Sumac, and do not worry what they say, they don't know what they has!:))
Oh no! the innernets make you tear your hair out sometimes! That is what our mum says anyway.We have broadband but we are right on the edge of the receiving area so it is slow, (1Mbps) and used to keep crashing until mum changed to a router. Don't get mad with your mum, dial up is hard work, we had it for a while when mum first got her compooter.
Oh dear, there is nothing worse than the Back of Disrespect!
The internet can be a pain! Shade, we are sure your mum didn't make the internet crash on purpose. So we think it's ok to make nice with her :)
Oh we hate when the innernets doesn't cooperate...we hope it is better now!
Shade, you have such a lovely glossy black back! you really shouldn't be mad at the PM, she was trying to load all those sites...it's the innertubes, um, innernets fault, not hers. I'm sure she was at least as disappointed as you not to be able to go visiting friends on the net! We had dial-up for years and years...couldn't watch anybody's little videos, could barely get their pictures to load, etc. Could you guys get satellite innernet? Or is that outrageously expensive?
Oh don't give your mom your backside...she loves you and wanted nothing more to make you happy by visiting all of your friends...be patient with her and lend a helping paw if you can!
Oooops, we feel very guilty for putting big pictures and videos on our blog - they must take absolutely AGES to load! However, we are very glad that we saw your comment today. We will esteem them even higher now that we know. ; )
Don't be ticked off too long, lovely Shade! How are things going with your purrsonal calico?
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
We are sorry to read about your trouble with the internet!!! But we are very glad about your comment!
Shade your back is beautiful but give your PM a few headbutts and purrs.
Hope everything will be better with the Internet soon!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Internet providers should hire cats to manage their connection speeds. They would be very very surprised how fast we can make things go, like pingpong balls and mousies, and we could get this internet thingie whipped up to zinging fast in no time.
Then we would take a nap.
Bet the humans that are working on this problem can't say that.
Humans and tech stuff... Leave it to the felines, we say.
Btw: Our humans has some problems with your blog in FireFox (we don't know what fox they're talking about).
Oh no! My mom said she remembers what it was like to have dial up and she said your mom deserves an award for having so much patience!
Oh no! My mom said she remembers what it was like to have dial up and she said your mom deserves an award for having so much patience!
So sorry about the dial up problems. If my mom didn't have the high speed and the wireless, I probably wouldn't get to visit.
Blogging using dial up is a trial of patience. Concats to your mom! We have wireless broadband and you should still hear some of the words coming from my SS from time to time.
Your PM is very dedicated, Mom would have caved and used foul language before then.
Oh no, the back of disrespect is not good. I hope you will forgive your mum soon.
Huffle Mawson
We had no idea you had to work so hard to visit. The PM definitely has our respect.
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