We received some wonderful awards the last couple of weeks.
Our new friend, Tuck gave this award to us for the second time. Thank you so much!
Our buddies Hans, Eric and Flynn and LC, Ayla and Iza all gave us this very pretty award! Thank you so much friends!
Also I have also decided to put an entry into Cosmo's toehawk challenge. I am a little leary to show my toehawks in public. They seem pretty wild and unruly. Banshee said I should get them braided or at least straightened a bit but the PM said they were fine as they were, au naturel.
So here they are.
Have a wonderful weekend everycat!
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Goldie, I adore your snowshoes!!!! They ARE wild and unruly and that makes them very mancatly! I'm pretty sure you have a claim for the first place at your paws there.
Purrs, Siena
Ups, concats on the well-deserved awards!
Sisters can be such nuisances with their teasing. I think your toehawks are very masculine. If I could grow toehawks, I'd hope they looked like that!:) Concats on your awards.
Congrats on your awards!! And those are some pawsome toehawks...hard to compete with those!
Those are great toehawks!!!
THose are fabulous toehawks, Goldie!
Congrats on the awards!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Those are absolutely fabulous toehawks! You need those for your snow adventures.
Whoa! That's some serious toehawk action you got going on!
Goldie - no one can beat you in the Toehawk division!
Hehehe, what cute furry toes!!
Concats on your awards!
Oh, and we both bow to your superior toe-hawked-ness. Those are truly the most pawesome toehawks ever!!!!!
Congrats to your awards!!!
Goldie you have furry cute toehawks!
Happy weekend to you all!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Goldie, those are some mighty impressive toehawks you got there!
Those are great toehawks Goldie, but we were wondering, when you go out in the snow, do they get snowballs on them?
GREAT toehawks! Maybe your sister is just jealous.
Congrats on your awardies!!
And W O W... I thinks they should file this picture for the definition of towhawks! hehe
I do not think I have seen such floof! :)
Curly apricot toehawks!! Whoa, I feel a little... funny... ::Swoons and faints::
Mom Edit:: You're gonna need a license for those.
That's a winning toehawk entry if I ever saw one!
Huffle Mawson
Congratulations on your awards. Those are the most impressive toehawks I have ever seen.
ConCATulashuns on yur awardies! they are furry well deserved. And wowie kazowie, what toehawks! Brainball's got furry similar long and floofy toehawks. You two are not just soul bruthas but you're Toehawk Twinsies! hehehe
Brainball sends a high paw to you, Goldie!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Those are some pretty spectacular toehawks! Congratulations on your awards.
Yow, are those toehawk extensions!?! The Paris Hilton brand ... They are cra-zeeeee!!!!
The Whippy Curly Tails
Congrats on the awards. Those toes looks perfect!
look at them sexy snow toses lol
Congratulations, you're a finalist in the Toehawk Contest!
You can vote on my bloggie...
Congrats on your awards.
We voted for you in the toehawk content!
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