First off I would like to say that Cosmo's Toehawk Challenge is nearing the end. All the entries are submitted and the finalists announced. Head over here for a serious case of toehawk envy and to cast your votes!!!
Today I have a little story to tell about the perils of watching your beans bathe. Both Shade and Banshee have a fondness for sitting on the edge of the bathtub while the PM has her bath. I don't really get it. I tried it once. The PM was trying to have a peaceful bath and when she looked up from her book again, there was the three of us. Shade in the sink, me on the toilet seat and Banshee sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Staring. The PM said, "What?.... What???". That was it for me. Nothing too thrilling.
The girls seem to love it as it is a fight to see who gets there first. Well Shade was the winner about 2 weeks ago and perched on the edge of the tub while the PM tried to read and soak away the "sort out the house like a mad woman" day. The wee lad kept running in, asking the PM what certain words were in French. He'd run in, pat Shade, ask his question and run out again.
I think Shade was getting a bit annoyed at all the interruptions as she just wanted to steam for a while.
Can you see where this is going?
On the sixth trip into the bathroom, the wee lad went to pat Shade and she moved a tad bit away as an avoidance strategy. Seeing as she was sitting on a slick three inch tile edge she had not much leeway and fell into the tub. Yep, right into the water. Right onto the PM.
The PM reached over to push Shade back up and at the same time, Shade tried clawing out for dear life. I tease Shade about being the clawless wonder but her back claws are like razor blades. Normally she doesn't need to use them except for the odd head itch and yes, propelling herself out of a tub of bubbly water. There is not much traction in a bathtub so Shade had to get leverage some how. She chose to use the PM's pale winter thigh to hoist herself out, leaving a huge five inch slice. So much for a relaxing bath.
I wanted to pose of picture of the leg to show the damage but the PM thought the Internet could do without that image. Too bad, it was rather impressive.
The problem is it still looks impressive. All red and tender, not healing as well as it should. The PM started putting extra cream on it yesterday.
Let this be a warning to all you kitties who like to watch the tub. Observe from a safe distance!!
Since I couldn't show you the PM's beat up, spider veined thigh; I will leave you with this....
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Oh noes! I would not like to fall in the bath. I had to have a bath once and I did not enjoy it.
Huffle Mawson
You are a veritable floof explosion today, Goldie!
We could see the slasher moment coming as we read. Ouch! Our mum cringed just thinking of it. We hope the PM's recovery is speedy!
That is a sobering tale indeed! #1's "One Who Came Beforest", Ikkyu, once fell into the tub and then catapulted out leaving a soggy trail all the way to under the bed... Fortunately, #1 was not yet in the bath when this happened.
Put lots of cream on those gashes. Ouch!!!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Oh, no, that remind me to our home. It is the same with the cats and the bath here.
Olli fall into the bath tub too a few weeks ago but I think he will never do that again....
Hope the pms scratch is recovering soon !!!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
PS: Mom to PM: It is everywhere the same. Here and at the other side of the world... when the mom would love to relax in the bath. Moms are not allowed to relax!!!
We watch our mom take a shower EVERY time she takes one. Siena on the rim of the sink, Chilli on the bath tub. Unfortunately we are not allowed to watch mom when she takes a bath - which is "once in a lifetime" really, as she lights candles and could never ever relax with us close to fire. Did you see this? This scratch from Chilli is taking ages to heal and is currently an indicator if mom feel cold or warm - turning bluaish or reddish accordingly. HAHAHA! We hope your's will heal up quick! Many purrs. And poor Shade! We love your toehawk entry!
Siena & Chilli
Ha! Simultaneous comments rock!
Rudy likes to stand at the back of the tub when Mommy showers. He's an idiot though.
We all enjoy staring at Mommy in the bathroom every morning, but since she rarely takes a bath, we have not had a "slipping incident."
I hope the Booboo heals fast! And Goldie, your floof is awesome!
Goldie, you are very wise. I myself have never seen the attraction of going in the bathroom with the beans but the girls love to watch Mommy. And once Charybdis leaned way over to swat a bubble. Well I guess you know what happened. Lucily the Mommy didn't get clawed. Our Mom isn't as nice as yours once she saw Charybids was going to fall in she propelled herself as far away from the angry wet cat as she could get and left Charybdis to fend for herself as far as getting out went. Sincerly hope your Mom's leg is better. The Mom recommends something called hydrogen proxide (think I am spelling it right) to keep it from getting infected. ~Socks
Oh we knew where this story was going...cuz one time Ernie fell in the tub when mom was taking a bath...fortunately, mom was already out when it happened...but Ernie got soaked! Hope the PM's leg gets better....
Oh no!! Thank you for warning us all Goldie! I also like to stream on the edge of the bath, but I would hate to fall in. Poor Shade must have been scared!
O u sweet baby and u got all wet and all mommy got was a cut are u ok your fluff look good lol ALL joking aside is your mamy ok if it turn RED and and nesty looking tanke her to a doc not the vet to bean doc her can get werry sick from your marking her fur live next time call luver guy he love geting in the tub and getin all wet
Oh yes we saw where this was going but we are sad there was a big slice of human involved! We have had that happen before...long time ago and mom can't even remember what cat it was, but the story involved a cat who acted as if it really meant to do that! Ha!
I don't think I'd like to fall into a tub like that. It would definitely be a bad day (for me and Mom). I'm sure your Mom understands, though.
That's a funny story, Goldie! Our Meowmy almost never takes a bath, so we just gather around on the bath mat or in the sink waiting for her to get out of the tub shower. Whoever gets there first gets to leap in the tub and lick the "clean" water.
Our human has similarly disgusting legs, and they are all covered with "poik" marks on the side from where Fuzzy stands up and stretches and sticks his claws in through the blue jeans. Plus there are lotsa other little scratches from us launching ourselves off her lap when she's sitting on the human litter box... It does sound like the PM's scratch might be infected, and she probably should see a doctor.
I think most tub sitters have to go thru this to learn their lesson. Such a shame about PM's thigh, that sounds ouchy. Thanks for coming to visit us! It's so nice to hear from you again!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Love all of your cats. Your photos are beautiful and you capture all of the beauty of your fur babies.
Love your blog. I came from Luna's. We just rescued another mama she's a treasure.
Happy Cat's on Tues
Love Claudie
A tub sounds like a dangerous contraption. We hope your human didn't get to upset.
BTW: We saw Banshees comment on our blog about the Tail Chasers Club. Please let her know that catching her tail is by no means a requirement. Chasing is all it takes. If she has a name for her tail she's more than welcome to join.
We hope your mum's owie heals up soon. We guessed what was going to happen. I will tell you a tattle tail about my brother Eric. We both love water but him more than me. When dad gets in the bath Eric likes to get in on top of him and make biscuits, then he lies on him with his tail floating. Once he stretched out and rolled over right in the water. He didn't even worry. He just got back on dad, shook himself and lay down again.
That is a pawsome floof shot!!!!!!!!
We will send your PM some purrs. We understand that our scratches are painful to beans :/
Hope she does not have to go to the bean Vet and get poked!!!!
Does Shade smell funny now ? heehee
Purrs Mickey,georgia & Tillie
Now that had to hurt a lot, tell your PM I feel for her. Our cat fell in once, with my grandson, but did not scratch him. You purr faces are so cute.
Oh, no! Bathtub water is not a good thing! I stay 'way away from those bathtubs! I'm sure glad that Shade got out okay.
For some reason, Treater keeps saying, "Ow...ow...ow..."
Oh dear - I could see where that was heading! I stay far far away from sources of water.
I hope your PM's leg heals up quickly with the extra cream!
Oh my, what a story! Falling into the tub!!! How scary! Sebastian, when he was a kitten used to love to sit on the rim of the bathtub when we showered. He grew out of that phase though.
OHH Goldie I do like what you left us with.. it softened the story.. oh wowie!!! Ithink your momma needs lots and lots of healing lickities after that! ouch!
haha Momma does not bathe much but when she does Mushka likes to sit on the edge, and try and walk on the bits of mommas body that won't fit under the water.. acause they is slippery she has fallen in once or twice also.. it is an ouchie moment.
You make sure you momma takes extra care of it,and that it does not get infected :))
poor MOmma :((
Ms. C apologizes for laughing, she says. She claims she is neither laughing at your pain nor laughing at Shade. So we can't figure out what she is laughing at.
We are not laughing one little bit. We are taking this tail very seriously indeed.
Abby & Stygia
I fell in once - it was terrible. It's not anything like splashing around in the toilet (that's way more fun). heh heh
I hope PM's leg heals up quickly. At least it wasn't her chest that got clawred.
Oh my, how did I miss this yesterday? Let me say first sorry to the PM and to Shade... Mommy stop laughing it's rude... cat scratch fever is a real thing if it's not healing you may want to get it checked.
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