Thank God that I am having Tuesdays to post as I'll will be using that time to set things straight and clear the air.
Yesterday Goldie went on about his snoopervising all weekend. Insinuating that I, big ol' Shade, was off sleeping or laying down to poop or something. As you can see, I was also snoopervising and doing a much better job at it. I am in the middle of the pile, looking all around. Goldie perched on the edge to appear like he was doing something but truth be told, he didn't even look at it.
Tiggie FOC had asked yesterday if Goldie was alright as he was simply lying by the box, not in it. You know why? Because it had too many THINGS in it, it was too rough on his paws. Really? How Mancatly does that sound? Maybe I'll have to get HIM on a regime of some sort, a mancat training bootcamp. Sooooo there, Goldie!!!!
Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.
3 hours ago
I can't for the life of me figure out what your snoopervising, but it sort of looks like the so called "organizing" my bean is always doing.
Well he can see how mancatly he is as Ramses says Goldie's a part of his Stork Hunting Squad now! ;)
Shade, it looks like you're taking charge of things by jumping right in the middle of it all (and you're not lying down on the job, either!).
Boot camp for Goldie...boot camp for all mancats? Sounds good to me.
Yes, I can see that you were doing a very good job Shade. Right in the thick of things is where the boss belongs!
Yes, I can see you are right in the midst of the job and Goldie just hung around on the fringes! Thanks for clearing that up.
Wow, that's a lot of stuff to snoopervise. Good thing you're on top of everything, Shade.
first, i'm very glad your MM and wee lad got in safe and sound.
that is my type of snoopervising. right in the middle. there is something to be said for learking on the edge of stuff. it is easier to whap unnoticed if you aren't in the middle.
i'm weird like goldie tho. i won't even lay on a blanket if it is bunched up! mommy makes sure everything is smooth.
PS mommy hadn't see the fox again until Sunday the second when she was up with daddy. he comes right at daybreak (and she is lazy). now she knows what i go nuts over right at sunrise. i run all over the house from window to window and then on the bed to try and get someone to see him with me.
he took the same route from the field, to the clearing, into the woods and along the tree line behind our house. he/she is greyish brown, not red like yours but still pretty.
Wow, you are doing a good job with snoopervising all those things and right in the middle !
I think you deserve at least three greenie for all that snoopervising.
And maybe a catnip nip too.
hehe, snoopervising is furry impawtant, isn't it? And a mancat training boot camp???? Uh oh. Don't suggest that to Brainball. He loves me furry much but he's a big bad butt Alpha Cat and he might try to bekome a big drill sargunt and stuff and make me do a sqwillion pushups!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You're right Shade, it's so hard to share a blog with brothers, they always make it sound like us girls don't do anything!
You both snoopervise very well.
Hey, by the way, we got snow here in TX last night!
Hahaha very mancat like. hahahahahha
Whatcha snoopervising? Dat looks pretty much like every day here...
Wow! It sure wooks wike you've got pwenty of things to snoopervise on!
That is an excellent job of snoopervising!
I've tagged you both for a meme!
The boy should be prepared for school, judging from the amount of material the PM's already gathered.
Wowww.... you are really busy!!
I am glad you are on the top of all.
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