Epiphany is over so the Christmas tree came down and I went outside with the PM and the wee ones. There was no wind so we actually got to be out for more than mere seconds. The PM cut the boughs off of the tree and used them as winter mulch over the roses and spring bulbs. We don't have a wood chipper so this is our way of recycling our tree.
I walked around a bit and rolled in the snow but it was pretty quiet out there. Of course not a bird in sight when I can actually give them a run for their money!
I thought I felt a pair of beady eyes watching me.
Poor Banshee. I think she's torn between wanting to come out with us and remembering life outside when she had no home. The PM will try her outside on a lead in the Spring. She hopes she was get used to it ans she'll hang around with Shade and me and not go too far.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
It still looks very cold out there Goldie! Banshee might be smart to stay in the watm!
The warm! Not the watm! Gosh Mommy, have a little more coffee, OK?
You .... you rolled in the snow?! So BRAVE!
Abby & Stygia
Those birdies know who the boss is, hey Goldie! Your tail looks extra floofy today.
It must be so cool to have a real tree. We like the idea of giving it new life through your flower beds:)
Goldie...we are so jealous that you get to go out and roll in the snow...mom won't take us out cuz she sez it's too cold...she's a wimp!
Perhaps Banshee realizes that the cold is just not the place to be!
Hi Goldie, you look mancatnificent out in the snow in all your floofiness. I'm glad Banshee is staying inside until she feels really secure there. Fuzzy used to be left outside in all kinds of weather by his bad owners, so now whenever the door to outside opens, he backs away, even though he's fascinated by the smells...he doesn't want anyone to get the idea that he might want to go out and then be left outside ever again.
we're wif Banshee - we prefer the warmth of the inside.
Banshee, Spring will see me outside on a lead, too! We will carry the shame of it simultanously, so it won't be that bad! If we behave we can soon run free!
Goldie, I am so glad to have a friend that appreciates the snow. Others don't seem to understand...
Purrs, Siena
I quite like my leash. Of course, I don't go too far either, so it doesn't impede my wandering.
Oh, to be outside. It looks wonderful! I would love to go out there. Snow is very, very fascinating to me.
Oh Goldie your little paws must have been frozen to the bones!
It looks so pretty though and so much fun! I bet all the smells stuck out a cause of everything being so fresh :)
hehe Miss banshee, you has the bestest face! Momam thinks iz like looking at a hooman sometimes :))
You rolled in snow..."Wow" your amazing I don't think I could do that.
We love how you recycled the tree! What a great eco-friendly idea!!
Banshee's little face peering out the window is adorable. There's something about the markings on her face that give her such a cute and funny expression.
It never snows here where I live. Wouldn't mind trying it out, just once.
I came as a stray but no harness was ever required - I never go far from the house.
The photo you walking on the snow just like a wolf or fox~!!! So beautiful~!!!!
I think Banshee is saying...yeah...no! I like it in here!
Goldie....you look very floofy out in the snow.
I hate to say it, but Banshee really reminds us of PooPoo.....I think it is the eyes. We hope Banshee is much more calm and nice than PooPoo!
You look very Apricoty in the snow, that picture of Banshee made me laugh!!
Goldie you look so handsome in the snow! We think that by Spring Banshee will really be sure that this is her home forever
Whicky Wuudler
We wish we had some nice snow to roll in instead of the nasty old ice we've got.
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