The PM was talking to the MM over the weekend, making plans, budgeting, organizing, blah, blah, blah. I just went back to sleep as none of this crap pertains to me. Then she mentioned the blog, our blog. My ears perked up then. Our normal routine is the PM gets up pretty early, has a coffee and sits with me at the computer. We blog and visit my friends until breakfast. This works well, why mess with it right?
Well apparently the PM is feeling like this...
Yep. That would be slug like. I guess that feeling is only good if you are indeed a slug. The PM mentioned "putting herself on the to-do list". I would assume she was on it as she was making it but I guess not. She has allotted "me time" but in the winter, that mainly involves blogging, reading books , being crafty and soaking in the tub. All things that tend to perpetuate the slug feeling.
The new routine will be that the PM gets up early and has to get on "the bike that goes nowhere" for awhile before getting her coffee and blogging with me. That means I will not get to visit as many friends every day. I might only be able to drop by every couple of days. I am hoping it gives her more energy so she's not in bed with a book at 8:30 every night. She may even be able to help me blog sometimes in the evening. I am kind of mad (damn you, Oprah) but I see her point. Maybe I'll do some house laps while she's on the bike.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
It is a good idea for the PM to put herself on her to-do-list. Our mum says that it is easy to be forgotten amidst the hustle and the bustle.
We think you have the right idea on the running laps of the house vs napping battle!:)
I'd sleep in. Let the PM do the hard work on the bike that goes nowhere!
Huffle Mawson
Did all of the Mom's of the world get together and come up with this plot? My Mom has been doing the same thing and I can't blog as much (or eat as much). Sigh, I guess it's a good thing though...
We just love that beautiful picture of you, Goldie! We hope you'll still be blogging regularly because we would miss you so much otherwise!
Tom and Tama-Chan
We don't understand why the beans have to have "me" time...they should only focus on "us" time ("us" being us cats!) hehehehe!
Our mom has felt similarly lately. Is this what winter does to people?
Abby & Stygia
That's so funny...that's what my mom does...get up early, get coffee visit with furriends while I sit on the keyboard and momma Ellie sits in her lap. She will only do this for a short while in the am, then as soon as it's a little lighter outside she will get on the bike that will take her to work! She will end up doing more visiting in the evening soon. It's good for mom's and dad's to be on their own "to do" list!
Hi Goldie. That's a great picture of you with the sunlight in your golden furs. Pretty disgusting picture of the slug...we don't want the PM to look like that, but still...we hope she spends enough time making a lap for you and visiting with friends!
Our mom knows totally what the PM means. She´s feeling like that too and try to find a solution next time.
We also have that nowhere bike and our mom has two sticks to run around outside with her friend. She call that Nordic Walking. It is a little silly to run around with two sticks but she says it is good for her body.
Maybe she better can try to catch mice and jump over fences and so on thats better or the body like silly sticks.
Luna, Luzie and Olli
That is a superb picture of you Goldie, you are glowing!
Definately nap whilst your Mom is on the insane bike that goes nowhere. Just watching her will exhaust you. Then you can be all refreshed when she's finished going nowhere and be ready to help her blog with you.
Gerry brings in tiny versions of that slug in his furs sometimes.
Whicky Wuudler
Well, if you can't visit all of us, and very often, you may as well sleep in. That's very important for a healthy cat.
Treater says she wants one of those "bikes that go nowhere," too. I think they don't look safe for little paws and tails.
We don't think we would like a bike that goes nowhere. We can lie down if we want to go nowhere.Nope, best you watch your mum going nowhere and if you go nowhere, then you will get there together.
Phew! For a moment there I thought your mom was going to do away with your blog! All is well now. good that your mom is doing some exercise on a bike that goes nowhere. At least she is in the house with you.
That picture of you basking in the golden sunlight is absolutely gorgeous.
We have one of those bikes that go nowhere too, but ours just collects dust.
hehe your gose to curvs or her get stiff her is so old we fink her is rusting lo Wow this is a BIB BIG Slug run it will eate u
Well I guess I'll have to wait for my great friends to come over then. Maybe your mom will have so much extra energy she'll double time with the visiting?
Moms! You'd think they had a life of their own!
Goldie, that is one of the prettiest photos of you. You are golden! Now we understand your naming... ; )
Your PM is doing the right thing. We're sure that time will tell that it's the best for efurryone! We noticed that she felt a bit sluggish when she began adressing Siena as Sienna (lol). Who is that Sienna? We sure would put the bitey on her, 'cos she seems to be hiding with us... But it's only us, 'the chosen one' and the 'floofy one'! Your furriends! Keep us updated how your PM feels, we suspect Winter having a similiar effect on our human, too.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
We understand. The PM definitely deserves some me-time. Someone needs to sell a bike that goes nowhere with a computer attached so beans can multi-task.
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