Apart from the flippin' cold, there is another reason why I haven't been out that much.
This pic was taken few days before Christmas. Sorry the quality is not the best, our batteries were dying. Banshee was all puffed up at the window and this was who she was looking at. The PM was hoping the foxes were staying in the deep woods since we hadn't seen them since early summer.
For those of you who do not know about our fox issues, here is a flashback to a post Shade did last Spring.
"Goldie is not up to talking about this so I will. The rules now for Goldie going out are that he can't go out before breakfast and after supper. The PM let him out around 8am a couple of days ago and a few minutes later she heard the barking. She opened the door and Goldie was puffed up on the doorstep and the fox was barking at him only about 5 feet away. She ran away a bit when the PM opened the door. Goldie was brought in and the PM ran after the fox to chase her.
The next day, the PM threw out some bread for the birds and a few minutes later she heard Goldie growling in the livingroom window. She looked out and the fox was back in the front yard. Goldie has never growled before.
Here's the fox that morning, looking for Goldie. Yes, it is almost May and we still have SNOW!!!!!
The next day she went out with Goldie in the morning and had a whistle with her. It was a test. Sure enough, about three minutes later over comes the fox. The PM blew the whistle but that didn't work. She picked up Goldie and started yelling at the fox who finally turned around and ran back into the field. The PM has come to the conclusion that the fox hangs around each morning and waits to hear the door open.
There is only one thing left to do with Goldie in the mornings...
The PM doesn't want Goldie to run too far in the mornings so she will take him out on his harness just incase. This will not be pretty."
It wasn't and I was not very happy.
This went on for a few months and then the foxes went into the deep woods for summer. We hadn't seen them this fall so the PM was hoping they decided to stay away. Last Spring the neighbours were getting pretty mad and the PM is worried that they will try and shoot the foxes. We live in the middle of the woods! If people don't want to see any wildlife then they need to move to the city! Unfortunately we live around a bunch of rednecks.
ps~ Remember to vote for Daisy this weekend. Go here to cast your vote for best Pet Blog!!! Go! Daisy! Go!
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Hi Goldie. Is it possible that the fox might have been trying to figure out what kind of fox you are? after all, your color is sort of like a fox's...and i'm pretty sure you're too big for her to want to eat you.
One of the cats who came before us, dear Babka, a big orange Manx, went into the woods and came home with a fox trotting along companionably behind him. The fox only stopped when he realized a hooman was standing there watching him. He licked his nose and went back into the woods, while Babka nonchalantly hopped up onto the porch. I agree about the rednecks, too...around here they're often a danger to kitty cats, too, and keep bunches of poorly trained dogs... Be careful out there!
Oh wow, a fox!! What a sight! Be careful, i'm sure you all will. It's nice to look from the safety of inside the house.
Goodness! That looks pretty scary. We don't blame you guys for worrying! Would a hose work? Or a spray gun? Occasionally a big white cat comes and harasses our neighbourhood (we're talking BIG here), and some of the mum's have taken to getting him with a super soaker when he comes prowling. If the fox starts to link the soaking with Goldie, he might give him a bit of a wide berth.
Your fox friend is lovely. I hope none of your neighbors get wild with their guns. I guess Goldie will go back to the "fox rules" for going out.
I think I'd be staying inside, away from the foxes. They're probably teaming up with the vishus deer.
Huffle Mawson
Goldie, that's quite a serious friend. Now I wonder why my mom calls me her "snowfox" - if foxes do harm to sweet Goldies I don't want to be one... Do you have a fence? Mmmh, no, I guess the fence won't keep Goldie in, so that's no solution... Don't your neighbours have dogs? I think they would be a far more suitable weapon than arms. Be careful floofy one!!!
Purrs, Siena
Quiltcat~ we think that's exactly what the fox was doing. Trying to make a friend. We think it may have been one of the kits from the previous spring, just a teen fox really. The bark the fox was making was more of warning bark to other foxes, like he was unsure that Goldie would hurt him. It was not the "I am going to eat you" call. We talked to a naturalist about it. He said The foxes are interested in Goldie but not for eating.
~The PM
Ms. C's parents see the foxen all the time when they are on Prince Edward Island in the summer. Usually, they are much skinnier, looks like YOUR fox has its winter coat. Beware of rabies!
That's a big dog fox there and I think your Sumac foxes are a bit stroppier than our UK foxes (they run if we growl) I wouldn't be happy about going out with a dog fox that big lurking around. Your neighbours need to know that if they shoot a fox, another one will have moved into the territory within a week. Silly people, foxes have a right to life too!
You all stay safe!
Whicky Wuudler
Well hello, Fox! How nice to see you again! Now go away and leave Goldie alone!
We love wildlife. Mom really loves the Swamp where her office is. Mom would love to move to even a more rural area than we are now, but our Nana and Grampy live with us and need to be near their doctors and hospital.
Wow! We've never seen one of those before! We'd growl too if we saw him!
We love seeing all the nature...like we have vishus deer in our yard all the time and some neighbors complain about it...but we still are in awe everytime we see one....
Mommy thought he looked kinda cute. I had no idea foxes barked! Then we both had a chuckle thinking of the PM chasing off the foxes, we picture hooting and hollering, and hand waving. That is what we picture anyway.
That fox looks pretty scary to me...stay safe!
Oh Goldie, do be careful with that fox. Many years ago before mum was married, her friend had a black cat called Leslie and one day she heard a lot of commotion and saw a fox carrying Leslie off. The fox went through the undergrowth and she never saw poor Leslie again.Mum says it is in the Spring when you need to be most careful when the vixens have young and there is not yet much food about.
ooooo momma loves foxes even though she had a bad experience with them when she was little.. i hope they do not hurt her :(
but you be safe too.. they are wild :)
Sorry about the "fox rules" Goldie, when our fox comes round we don't even get to go out!
Oh, the fox is back! I am glad you are being safe around it. But gosh, it sure would be an awesome sight to see wildlife like that.
ps: Thanks for the link and your support!
runn inside look all the doors and frow awy the key it will it u hurt u But he is Beuatiful our bean finks
We are glad you are safe indoors!!!! We also hope the fox is passing through . You really do not need a neighbour stooting around you!!
At least yoor being safe. We haf a fox den about three houses down, dey live in der retaining wall, well, unner it actually. Da beans haf a dog, a big mutt, but da foxes aren't bothered by it at all. Course, da dog is kinda a dork. Dey don't bother us but dey do get da gooses by da river alla time. Mom sez dat is okay cuz der are a lot of gooses der and she sez dey crap all over da place.
Poor fox, we think it must be hungry to come so close to peoples houses. We hope no one shoots it. It is very pretty.
Goldie and PM, you be careful going outside. ~S,S & C
Maybe the fox thought you were a fox with your floofy tail? Please be careful!
Oh wowie, a fox! We have foxes in our mountains nearby. Be kareful goin outside, and the pickshures of the foxie are way kool!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao, and Brainball sends a high paw to his soul brutha!
just came by to say goodbye. Thanks for being there for us.
Wow we have never seen a fox in the nature. Great pictures!
He looks big but cute!
So be careful and stay better at home!
Mom says she wishes to have a view like yours there!
We posted today a tutorial for the felted mouse.
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Gosh, I hope that fella was just passing through, also. He looks a little bit skeery!
We dont like foxies and we hope Goldie, Shade, and Banshee are kept safe from them!
Cool you have a fox! Mummy's cousin's cats have a fox too... All we've got is a squirrel and a load of birdies and some frogs that are sleeping at the moment I gather! I'm deprived I tell you, deprived! ;)
That's a furry pretty fox, but it's prolly dangerous like our raccoons! We hopes your neighbors don't hurt it and you can all get along.
Those were super pictures of Mr Fox..we hope that no one gets hurt and that Mr Fox and family can continue to live near by.
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