The Music Man went to the post office a couple of days before Christmas and we thought it was our Secret Paws gift. It was a huge box and it turned out to be our Pay it Forward package from our dear friend Parker.
It was pure pandemonium here as the box was opened. Between cats and wee ones, the PM didn't think she'd get a chance to take any pictures. Everyone wanted to check out all the goodies.
There was a super cool bed, a soft animal print throw, nip leaves, a nip lizard, a fev-ver wand, fur mice and treats!!!!!!!
It was a little overwhelming as we hadn't thought we'd be receiving so many lovely things.
The PM got a little leaky eyed as she had wanted to get Banshee a catbed but wasn't able to get one yet. She was going to check out the after Christmas sales as she felt Banshee should have a place of her own. The Nanny had given us a small one her cats didn't use anymore but I have kinda taken over it.
Her idea was~
"The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and 'pay it forward' in their own way."
This is how it works...We are going to agree to send something fun, inspiring or uplifting to the first 3 blog owners who post a comment on this entry. In turn you will then post about this on your blog, link to us, then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through your blog. There are no cost restraints, BUT don't go crazy! The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found. No biggie, just a gift that will make the person smile. Maybe something unique from where you live?
And, remember that kindness don't have to involve money; there are untold ways to help others every single day, everywhere you go - just look around.
We may not be able to send out such a large gift as we received but we will send out something just as thoughtful and heartfelt. This is very exciting! Can't wait to see who wants to play!

Hi Goldie. What a lovely gift (and sweet concept!). The kitty bed looks like it was picked out exactly with Banshee in mind...its colors so beautifully complement hers! (We have a new kitty bed in the same shape that our friends Peter and Sharon gave us after their Kitty died but none of us has adopted it yet.) You completely fill the kitty bed that you selected :).
That was a great bunch of stuff you all got from Parker. Sorry we're a little late, but there are so many cats to visit these days -- anyway, happy 2009 to the 3 of you and your human staff from us 3 Good Cats!
My mommy got tears in her eyes, too, to see Banshee in her new cat bed. What a wonderful thing - Parker's great!
Happy New Year to you all!
That bed was made for Banshee! Plus, it's big enough to share it with others! She looks so happy in it. Mom says it seems so comfy she wants one for herself too...
Awww My Mommas eyes got a little shiny when your Momma says how she was leaky eyed a cause she needed one for dear Banshee... just awwww
And dear Goldie, people give what they can because they can and they enjoy it, they don't do it for anything in return, as you know, when you give something you give it because you can and love to do it :)
I am sure that whatever you guys pay forward, will have many heartfelt wishes as you say and that is just perfect :)))
I only say this a cause when Momam and dadda weer working we would give wonderful gifts to people a cause we could, and we then felt bad afterwards because rather than putting a big smile on peoples faces and share our good fortune we would make them sad a cause they could not return as big a gift.. we did not care about getting anything back, we just wanted to put smiles on peoples faces and share what we had...So then we because very self conscience in giving gifts, that maybe it was too big r too loud etc.. We are more on a budget nowdays but we do remember back then :) blah.. long post sorry :(... we can rattle on sometimes...
That is a lovely gift from Parker. Banshee looks just purrfect in her new bed.
That bed was made for Banshee!
That is an excellent package, and a great bed. It's so nice to see when people are truly surprised and thrilled with a gift. Congrats!
Wow! Just wow...
We kinda' had Banshee in mind... she is a lucky calico who found a super forever home. We have a very soft spot for calico gals. AND we are thrilled that she likes it!
Enjoy, it was totally our pleasure!
You guys really hit the jackpot! Banshee that bed is SO you!
Happy New Year!
Banshee looks so beautiful all curled up in her new bed:) It looks like it was made just for her!
What a great idea!
What a great idea and what a mother load you hit! Banshee's bed is the bomb!
Sorry to hear you were caught in a blizzard!! Glad PM and the Wee ones are home safe.
Happy New Year 2009!
Wow! we jus luff parker! dem gif da best stuff effur! really! Wat a gorgeous kitteh bed! mommeh haz felt same bout gittin a special one just fur Hansel. I haz 3 beds an hansel haz none! -tes
Such a nice present and a wonderful idea. We had to make do with an advent calendar. It was OK, but on Christmas Day we got a mouse toy. Disappointing - we were getting used to snacks.
A late merry Christmas and happy new year from:
Cliff & Olivia
That is such a wonderful concept and a very generous gift. Parker sent some great stuff. Banshee's new bed looks perfect for her.
That is a wonderful gift and a great idea. Banshee fits perfect in that new bed.
Luna, Luzie and Olli
What awesome gifts and your idea is great, those cat beds look so comfy, hope your New Year is going great.
That is a great gift from Parker! And it looks like Banshee is feeling right at home in that new bed!
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