Disclaimer: This is for demonstration purposes only. Do not attempt any of these moves on your own. I am a trained ice-peeologist with many years of study. I once spent a winter in Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut with an Inuit feline who taught me the many secrets of snow and ice latrine use.
The PM was out feeding the birds so I made a beeline outside as I really needed to go! I encountered problems right away. The fluffy snow was actually only a cm thick and under was a sheet of ice. I had to think quick! I really needed to go. It was -23 with the windchill. Think, Goldie, think! What would Master Furrtuff do?
Ah, yes! I see a trail of tracks that the MM made when he took the compost out a couple of days ago.
This is the tricky part. I peed in one of the frozen boot prints. You need the right angle and you have to watch that your paws don't slip on the ice.
I peed in the toe part and covered using snow from the heel. Very hard indeed.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Yikes Goldie, that had to take a great deal of skill! I would never try that!
Wow, Goldie...you do have a talent! We never would have been able to do that...
Oh wow! We would never ever attempt that at home...way to complicated and the risks too great!
I would never try this myself. I would have peed in the heel, covered with the toe snow, amatuer!
Whoa...you are very fortunate that you weren't frozen to the ice!
So, did you get goosed in the bum by the cold snow? I would NOT like that at all!
wow, that could have ended badly with you stuck to the ice by a big stream! You are a professional and I won't try that here.
Careful out there the fox doesn't sneak up while you're otherwise "engaged". You wouldn't want to be caught with your "pants down" if you will. ha ha ha
It has been rainy and sleety here, but no ice and major snow yet thank goodness
Wow Goldie how brave you are on the ice and snow. We would hate it.
W-O-W! I don't know... I think I could do it! Moooom, let me out in the snow pleeeez!!!
Good moves Goldie. We take advantage of any horse hoof dips in the ground, but peeing in a snowy footprint takes it to a whole new level.
Wow, that´s great Goldie!!!
No fear, we can´t try this here ... because ... we have no snow !
Zippy used to be able to do dat but now she won't go outside at all if it's below freezing...
Oh my goodness, Goldie! That is some very advanced pottying skills!
Lol..Your amazing and very clever.
About the tent.Mom told me to tell you to go with something else.We had alot of problems getting the tent to stand.The bottom has no stucture and it kept collapsing on the niece,Also the fabric torn easy when we tried to adjust the rods to make it stand.It was a total disaster.The only way we could make it stand for these photos was pushing it up against the wall and using a fluffy comforter.It collapsed right on me afew minutes later.
Oh my! You are amazing, Goldie, a real pro! I promise I won't try - not the least that we never have any snow, let alone ice, except in the fridge.
Amazing Goldie. I am in awe of your techique!
we dont fink u had to go u just wanit to see yellow snow he he
WOW!!! We are very impurressed Goldie! Did the pee freeze as soon as it hit the snow?
At least snow is easy ta paw ofer pee. I hafnt seen MUCH snow, but I do know how ta move it over my "bisness"!
Pee-Icicles. They say not to eat yellow snow, guess we better add don't eat yellow ice either!!!
Yikes, Goldie. You did great! But, brrrrrrrrrr, this makes me shiver.
My mancat parts tucked in tight when I saw those pictures. We have snow now...I don't know if I'm ready to give up the litter though.
You are one tough hombre Goldie.
Now that is skilled. Achieving great success from a situation that could have ended out with much embarassment- 10 points!
Cripes Goldie, you are a brave and skillful mancat!
That's pretty heroic actually. I don't even like having to pee in the mimsy frosts we have in the UK
Whicky Wuudler
That's an amazing skill! Weren't your paws cold??
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
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