First off I would like to send out a big HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all of our furr friends south of the border. Have a wonderful day and don't be too scared of the fireworks!!!!
It has been a tad crazy around here. The wee lad has developed an allergy to grass. I didn't think that could happen but his eyes are all puffed up so I guess it is true. The new rules are no windows or doors open, no hanging clothes on the clothesline and vacuuming the mats daily. This goes against EVERYTHING we were doing so there is a little stress around here. The PM has to rewash anything that has been on the line and clean the house top to bottom. Due to that fact, I have been told we are taking the weekend off blogging. I can see her point.
Our sumac tree has grown HUGE this year and may soon overtake the house!
I love to lay under it as I can keep an eye on the house but relax in the shade.
I am having a little bath and then a leisurely nap.
I am dreaming of a way to help the little creatures of the field.
Oh no!!! It has changed into a NIGHTMARE!!!!!
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
A grass allergy! That's not nice news! I hope the new rules will help.
This Sumac Tree is beautiful! I can understand why you are napping under there, just no more nightmares... :-)
Our ZH would not survive such allergies, dusting and vacuuming is NOT her thing (or ours!).
Grass allergies aren't good, but at least it's not a cat dander allergy! Be sure that you wash yourselves off really good before you go inside and don't carry any grass in with you.
Nightmares?!?! Not good!
We are sorry that your little bean has allergies!
Take it easy and have a nice weekend!
That's a huge tree!
Sorry to hear about the allergies. :( That sounds horrible. Good luck with the cleaning.
Poor wee one allergies stink.Have a happy and safe 4th Of July :)
Allergies are not good things! What a lovely tree; it looks very happy!
That sumac tree looks nice and great for a shady nap! Hope you don't have more nightmares though.
Shade trees are purfect companions for long naps! Happy Independence Day, Goldie & Shade!
I think you look lovely under the sumac tree. I am not allowed to go outside, but maybe I can join you in a dream some time.
Ms. C is also terribly allergic to grass. She could not roll around in it if she wanted to! She shuts up the house when anyone mows the lawn.
Happy 4th of July.
Oh dear! A grass allergy is really bad when you are surrounded by grass :o
I hope something can be done for the wee one!
Poor Shade,I think Goldie found your sanctuary!
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: I hope you can have a good weekend!
Happy July 4th to you too!!
Hope the grass allergy gets better...
And I never knew a Sumac tree was to lovely! Thanks for the pictures!
Your sumac tree is lovely. Thanks for the July 4th good wishes. A grass allergy is a nasty thing. I am allergic to the pollen of some grasses, but not to the grass itself. I hope the wee one's allergy gets better. I had a bunch of allergies when I was a wee one that all went away as I got older. I am sorry about your nightmare.
Hi guys! Thanks for coming to visit our blog! We are thrilled to hear that you are from the east coast of Canada. We haven't been there yet, but #1 tells us we have a summer cottage in PEI, so we may going to visit one of these days!
Looking forward to following your adventures!
Sen-Chan & Tom
Dennis liked the pictures of your nightmare, you're very creative. Maybe a good brushing is all you need? along with a rub down with a damp hand towel--esp. your feet.
Dennis tends to roll in grass, dust, dirt, but he's strictly indoors now, since he killed a songbird.
Ohhh...I wanna be in the nightmare too!
Awww, I hope the little lad bean's allurgy gets bettur soonies!
And wowie kazowie, that sumac tree is BEEYOOTIFUL and HUGE!
I like both pickshures of you in the kottage! I'll help you hunt the mousies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
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