Goldie is very proud of his hunting ability and I know he is a cat after all.
He recently got these two creatures in one morning.
A little shrew.
A sweet deer mouse.
I just think these animals would like to live to enjoy the summer too.
I don't kill anything, even if I had claws, I doubt I would. I am just not like that.
Sorry, little fella.
I wonder if Goldie would put up with Rodent Sensitivity Training?
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Goldie, you are a great hunter! We are very impressed. Shade, neither of us has ever seen a real, live rodent, and so obviously, we've never hunted any either.
Well, Hunting is what cats were born to do, afterall.
Poor little creatures.Yet Goldie is a great hunter.
Goldie, you have done a great job. it's a good thing I do not have access to such prey, or I would be dropping them into my mom or dad's shoes, like I do with my furrymice. Imagine how surprised your humans would be if they found those in their shoes? But then, they might blame the oldness of the shoe instead of you, and you want the praise!
What a great hunter. Where I am from we have mice that carry a thing called Hanta Virus and a joke told by some friends of my mom when they were Grad Students was "New Mexico...Land of the flea...Home of the Plague!" So needless to say I don't get to hunt mousies(unless they were to come into our apartment).
Wow! Look at Goldie go.
Shade~maybe Goldie needs more toys IN the home...that way he might leave the outdoor animals alone?
Wow! Goldie, that is some muy awesome hunting, and I'm in not orthy-way!
Don't knock hunting mousie until you've tried it. I don't get into hunting, 'cept catch and release, but Hart is lethal.
I hear mice taste just like chicken.
I have never even seen a shrew or a mouse! But I have caught lizards before. I cannot help myself.
Dennis cannot help it--if a mouse comes into the house--it's done a stupid thing!
Dennis has caught moles and voles too!
Awww. It's sad, but Goldie is doing what's natural for him to do, he doesn't do it to be mean. He probably thinks he's playing. That's what I think Nixon is doing when he gets a mouse. But it is so sad, I feel so bad whenever that happens. If I catch him with a mouse before he's hurt it, I try to get it away from him. He's not too happy about that.
wowza... some moussies! good job Goldie:) we're so proud of you...
love & hugs,
meaouwy troops
Wow Goldie, you're such a great hunter! I've never ever killed anything before! I wonder if I might be like Shade and prefer not to kill?
We know it makes Mommy sad, but we all love to hunt - as you said, we are cats afterall!
P.S. Mommy says at least they are intact we like to bring "half" of the present home :-)
A real cat has to hunt mousies! Well done, Goldie! :-)
Golde u kille u your bean sey we lova them no bita os scary MUS Well a cat got to do what cat got to do
hehehe, Momma's laffin at Rodunt Sensitivvity Trayning! And wowie, Goldie is a furry great huntur! Me and Brainball and Dorydoo all love to hunt. We live inna country and efun though we're indoor only cats, once in a while a critter gets in here, and me and Brainball and Dorydoo are all after it, we work togethur like a lion pride! We caughted a mousie a while back but Daddy tooked it frum us and rescued it. How dya like THAT! (phooey...)
Marilyn kinda watches us from afar -- she's like you, Shade, not much into huntin!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I wish i cud meet a mouse. I wud kill him too. I brave fighter cat.
I agree with Daisy. I haven't ever seen a shrew or mouse, but I have caught a lizard that slipped in. Goldie appears to be a great hunter, but I am sure that mom would be happier with stuffed mice!
Two in one day!!!!! Goldie is so lucky!!! I do not go out :(I have heard mice in the walls,but have not seen then,dang!!!
Purrs Mickey
What a good hunter! But our staff always says we need to eat what we hunt or it doesn't make sense....
They also take prey AWAY FROM US if it happens to still be alive when they catch us with it. The nerve!
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