Had a busy hot weekend. Not having any windows open makes for a real stifling house, especially upstairs. I spent a lot of time cruising the yard. Upon my return on Saturday, I was met with a new sight.
Looks like a nice cool treat maybe? Something refreshing?
No! It is another grass pollen allergy rule. This one involving Shade and I.
When we are outside I guess we get COVERED with this pollen stuff. Who knew? I never saw anything on me except for a slug or burdock. As soon as we come in, we have to get WIPED down with a wet cloth then brushed with a wet brush.
How totally uncomfortable is that!
THEN I have to spend about 26 minutes grooming to feel right again. They better not complain about all the hairballs that will ensue.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Oh dear! But at weast you don't need to get a bath!
Yep, that is a nuisance but it is for a good cause!
I think you are looking breautiful after you are brushed and have beautified yourself, too.
I really don't like being brushed, either. I'd rather bite the brush, wouldn't you?
Eeew, yucky bath time! Though I love being groomed... :) It seems Mummy's been buying new special bath stuff for me though... Waaaa!
No, no, no to baths! We do love being brushed though. It's an all-over massage!
Well, we guess it's better than being bathed! Or you could just stay indoors!
Yup, I saw that one coming...
That's right..lots o' groomin'= lots o' yak! Now they're gonna be followin' you around to see if you hork up a hairball somewhere!
Hey! Go back over to my blog and see what SAM I AM of the Taylor CatSSSSS did!
Another rule! Poor you! But at least you don't have to take a bath but get a relaxing brushing-all-over :-)
Poor you! Pollen is just evil.
Wiped down and brushed!!!!!! How horrible!!
I think that this proves that staying inside is much more better.
OMG, we is gald you're ok...so bcareful when you went outside again guys;)
love & hugs,
meaouwy troops
I've heard that some people with allergies wind up having their cats shaved.
I think the bath thing is not so bad compared to how humiliating that might be.
I hope you understand,but I won't be visiting you!! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
OH NO! We thought it was something good ta eat. Whata mean surprise...
I thought it was something good to eat. I don't like baths. I love to be brushed, but no water!
I don't like baths OR to be brushed. I can look after my own fur myself.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Can you tell me what the House Panthers are? I think I could be one...
Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat
Oh no! Not fair!
Oh no, dey is tortchuring yoo just fur going outside? Do yoo want us to call da local awthorities?
No fair! Why should you suffer cause the boy is allergik to grass? Jeez. My mommy is allergik to pollen and GRASS. Yes, you read that right. She found out when she was 8 years old. She got allergy shots every week for 5 years. She has to take allergy medicine when the pollen count is high here, but she has been able to walk barefoot in the grass since her teens.
What we're saying is, he could get better over time.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my house trashing party!! We had a blast! Bendrix loved the shrew tossing. He is waiting for that last one left on the ceiling to fall on mommy's head...Everyone loved those gift boxes. Thanks for doing that.
you know, it kind of looks refreshing. and it will keep bugs away too.
i have seen Dennis get brushed and he also gets "scrubbed" at the same time with a wet cloth. just because he has dense fur and sheds and needs it. he seems to like it though. nobody has tried that stuff on me yet though.
I think that would have taken me even longer than 26 minutes to get right again!
It's the ol' bait-and-switch! Instead of a cool treat, they wash you down. Oh, humans are such tricky creatures. We don't even like being brushed!
Oooh, a wipe down! I wouldn't mind that, but Brainball would hate it! And like Goldie, he'd wash and wash and wash and wash and wash and wash and wash wash wash...
Momma loves loves loves Mango Sherburt!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I like to be brushed, but I would not like a wipe-down or *horrors* a bath!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
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