Firstly, we got the Arte y Pico award from our wonderful new friends from France, Sen and Tom. Thank you so very much!!! It is such a beautiful award.
The PM is super busy cleaning, sorting and packing as they are getting ready to go to PEI for a week. The wee ones are very excited and are a tad hyper. There is always a week of stress before the week at the beach. Kind of defeats the purpose I think but whatever.
Goldie and I are taking advantage of the stress and doing things we really shouldn't do and getting away with it.
Here we are stretched out on the table.
I have the best spot for a change.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
We hear that the weather is great on the Island, so hope the PM and Co, have a great time there. Say hello to the place for us! Our cottage is on the South Shore.
As for taking advantage of the situation, go for it!!!
We get on the table whenever we can get away with it too! It always seems to have the best sunshines, doesn't it?
Concats on your award. Is PEI Prince Edward Island? Our Beans are going to Quebec in October for 4 days then cruising down to NY. They don't stop at PEI but will pass it. They stop at Sydney, Halifax and St. John though amongst other places. We don't know where you live, but we think it is East coast Canada. If you have any advice on places to see, they would appreciate it. Don't feel under any obligation though.
Shade in the sun!! hahahaha!!!!
I think the stress is so the beans can enjoy their time "off" more!!!! It's great to take advantage of it though ;)
Purrs Mickey
I'm not allowed on the table. I'm not telling what happens when mum and dad are at work.
Huffle Mawson
Congratulations on your award.I hope everyone have a lovely time at the beach.You two look so cute on the table :)
isn't it great to get away with stuff? i love when the beans are distracted. i've thought about your suggestion, and i think that the snot may have been a revenge i must get back at her...
i hope your beans enjoy the beach. i don't get the water thing, but all that sand looks wonderfully fun!
I sure wish I could be up on the table like dat. I tried it this morning and my meowmy snatched me off of it real quick. Doesn't she like fur in her food?
It's us again! We just wanted to tell you that our cottage is just down the road from Argyle Shore, at Rice Point!
Your beans are going on vacation! Maybe try to hide in the luggage :-)
You two look beeyootiful all stretched out onna table in the sunnyspots! Sunnyshines feel so good onna furs!
I hope yur beans have a superduper time on their vakashun!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Your humans are lucky to be going to such a beautiful place! Ms. C's family summers up near Cavendish; she doesn't get to go this year, but next year she will.
And... *eyes go back and forth* oh, my, look at that tail!
*pounces on Goldie's tail*
You two are simply gorgeous! Enjoy the sunshine, and I hope your beans have a lovely vacation.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I always love to sneak up on the table when mom isn't paying attention! However, usually, when she sees me, she just reminds me that I am not supposed to be on the table, but lets me stay anyway. I think it is because I give her the "cute" look.
Mom says to tell your mom thanks for the idea of putting my floof outside so the birds can make nests. We have already had three bird families build nests on our front porch this year.
Congratulations on your beautiful award!
My mommy doesn't use our table much, so she lets me lay on it under the condition that I pick a different spot each time, so I keep it dusted.
Shade, wonderful photos of you in the sun! :) Congratulations on your award - it is very well deserved. :)
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