Well, they are all packed up at getting ready to leave us. Gone for more than a week. :::SIGH:::
It won't be that bad, I guess. The Music Man has to work so he will be staying with us. Not the same as the PM but he'll do.
We have very sloooow dial up out here in the woods so I have lots of time to think while blogs and comments are loading up. I have taken to playing "the license plate game" with the crazy word verification non-words. I am going to share with you some of my favorites.
- goajs- Goldie owns a juicy snake.
- yjmis- You jump more in snow.
- gsygom- Goldie says, "go on, mouse". (in their dreams)
- bgexy- Big & Sexy (my personal license plate... if I drove)
- swyayk- Sway and Yak (warning on super fast cat swings)
I know, I have too much time on my paws. You should try it though. Kind of fun...in small doses. Let me know if anycat comes up with a real cool one.
Now I must get back to my overdose of attention.

See you all when I get back on the 28th!
Hi Goldie, well be a good good girl while your beans are away and when they get home ask if you can join the Floof & Fur Club... we think you're fluffyfloofy enough to qualify! If you're interested you can email us at zoolatry@gmail.com when you're back from the "place with sand by the water". Have fun!
hello, hope you enjoy some quality time with the Music Man. xxx
Gee Goldie, I will miss you!! At least you two will have the Music Man! I hope your PM and wee ones have fun!!
I hope you & Shade will find cool ways to have fun with the MM ;)
maybe you can get him to spoil you lots!! heehee
Purrs Mickey
You are most excellent at playing with words Goldie! Make sure you get all the attention you can before PM and the wee ones leave. And we hope they have a great time on the Island!
we miss hurry home u not froing a party boho
We'll miss you and will be waiting for when you get back. We hope they have a good time at the sand by the water. If you like we'll teleport over to visit you and Shade.
We hope yur PM and wee ones have a superduper time! We'll miss you a lot. And hehehe, what a fun game to play with the wurd verrifikashun thingie!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I'm sure the MM will spoil you rotten! I had a similar idea about the word verification thingy and started saving interesting ones but then got sidetracked and never did anything with them! Have a great hol Sumac family (-MM) :) xxx
"Sway and Yak"...hahahahahah!
I hope your beans have a nice vacation. We'll miss you!
Hi Goldie and Shade. I know how you feel! I am still an angry cat because my people were gone for two weeks. I will keep you company any time you want.
Purrs, Halloween
Aww, enjoy your time with the Music Man!
I can totally relate! My beans is goned fur 10 whole days! A nice girl feeds me, but I want mine MOM! Sum of the Cat Blogosphere cats are at my place, partyin. Yur welcome to join us! House trashin is a great way to pass the time.
Have a good time, Goldie, and we'll be looking forward to when you get back.
Sorry your beans are leaving you, but at least you'll have your Music Man around. Maybe you can teach him a new trick while they're gone.
-Stryder & Scotchy
Hey...we'll miss ya! I'm sure you'll find all sorts of fun things to do this week.
That word verification game looks very interesting. You're so clever!
Mommeh saz she will try yoor game dis weekend. She leafin mez too. We shud SO hand outs.
We'll be waiting for you when you get back.
I think the word verification game is hillarious. I'll try that sometime.
But I know how slow dial up can be, we had it once upon a time.
Have a good vacation....Gretchen
You better get lots of attention before they leave! Ihope you are treated well while they are gone.
The music man better take good care of you while the mom bean is away. I will miss you next week! You are one of my regular visitors since the beginning, so you are special to us.
Will miss you! Yeah, sometimes those letters for word verification are a hoot!
I love what you did with the word verification. I hope your PM has a great vacation and that the Music Man treats you right and even spoils you a bit.
i love your idea of word verification games. fun fun.
we're sorry you'll be gone so long, you'll be much missed. i hope you whip your Music Man into shape so he gives you as much attention as the PM!
We hope the time passes fast while yer Beins is away! But enjoy messin the place up while they gone...
Hi Goldie and Shade. Being left alone is really bad. I suggest going outside to chase the fox. Or digging under the flowers or veggie garden. Or yowling non-stop.
Purrs, Halloween
Miss Peach sure did surprise me by telling you about my vintage car blog. I want to thank you so much for your nice visit too, she sure has some great friends. I hope you enjoyed wandering around the old cars and thank you for not clawing the upholstery. Next time you come by, I will have some cat nip waiting and Miss Peach will serve some of her tea.
Hehe, what a cool idea this game is! I should really try it out!
Have fun with the Music Man!
Oh no, you will be alone? I hate it when that happens! At least you will have the Music Man.
I'll miss you both.
We are glad you will have the Music Man to look after you.
Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday with me! I really appreciate it. - Dragonheart
We have the same sloooow dial up. My mom says it's good for developing patience. Ha! I think I'll try your game next time. It sounds more fun than developing patience.
I hope you have a safe and happy trip!!!!
We'll miss you guys ~ see you furry soon...we love the game and play it with car license plates...btw Goldie looks furry handsome and cute receiving the well deserved attention!
SnowForest family's human here ~ I'd like to thank you so much for your kind words of comfort following the loss of our dear Forest...your support means a lot to us ~ many well wishes to you guys and hope you have a great time until the humans return...
We'll miss you too, and hope that your hoomans have a very good time!
Hi Goldie and Shade. Just dropping by to say hello and visit with you. Hopefully the Music Man is fulfilling your every yowl and demand.
Purrs, Halloween
How r u, goldie and Shade? Is the MM obeying ur rules and demands? c u guys soon!
Oh I like your game Goldie, it sounds like fun! Hope you have a good week with the Music Man...
I tagged you for a meme in my 7/24 post.
Bummer on the beans leaving you alone. I will have to watch the word thingys. you are very creative with them.
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