They say Fall is coming. I have noticed a slight chill in the air and I don't feel like staying outside all day long anymore.
I spend some time with the last of the blooms, watching for it to arrive.
Can't see anything this way.
Nothing over here.
Must be right around the corner though.
Monday, September 29, 2008

Mancat Monday~ What's with our roof!!
Mancat Monday~ What's with our roof!!
I hear something.
Now I see something.
First raccoons pooping now a squirrel having a picnic!
Enjoy it while you can you little red devil. This meal may be your last.
I couldn't get that fella so I went looking for a mouse for Miss Praline as she had her birthday last week. They must have all been on holiday as there were none to be found.
I did get her a shrew though.
Sorry, Praline. Not enough meat on that wee thing to bother taking a bite. Maybe you can make a necklace out of it for your mom. She would appreciate that I am sure.
I have taken to hiding in the carrot and garlic chives patch.
I am not a fan of the taste though.
I am enjoying this now as the PM said she is digging these up next week.
I may partake in the harvest as these are one of the few things that actually produced anything worth mentioning. They pulled up everything else as there was killer frosts all week.
I won't go on about it, the PM is irked enough as it is.
Next year, we will try again.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday with Shade and the Stars~ Libra
Thursday with Shade and the Stars~ Libra
We are moving on to our second sign.
This week it is~
I am not sure who this could be. Sounds like most of us!!!
Is anycat a Libra or knows a Libra?
Tune in next week for Scorpio.
First off we got this very pretty award from our friends Skeeter, LC and Ayla and the always sweet Tesla.
Thanks so much!!!! We would like to pass it onto:
- Sweet Ariel for making us laugh last week. Love that Anne Geddes shot!
- Pearl for revealing her burr issues.
- Poppy Q for her great Spring Study of her New Zealand back garden.
You guys probably have this award already but we wanted to give you it too!
The bottom and sides are pretty much wee one zones and I don't care to have a second display of my "hangin' loose" drawing; so we are going to stick with the grown-up zone. Here is a shot of our fairly boring freezer door.

This is our list of pesticide laden fruits and veg.

This is a sweet magnetic bud vase that the MM gave the PM for Mother's Day a few years ago. It had a flower in it that one day and never again. Don't know why, we have a huge yard of flowers.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mancat Monday~I Thought We Were Friends
Mancat Monday~I Thought We Were Friends
For those who were asking, the PM did clip the end of my wild whilly whisker and nothing crazy happened. Thanks for the help!
Now, I wanted to share a dilemma with you. The wee lad and I are friends, supposedly.
Here we are hangin' in the grass. See the look of adoration in my face?
Well, a couple of days ago, I heard that he had drew a picture of me. I was so touched. I hurried over to have a gander, wondering if I was going to look more like a tiger or a lion and this is what I saw.
Pretty good, I thought. Goldie climbing a tree is the title. But then I had a question. The PM took the words right out of my mouth when she asked. "What's that hanging between Goldie's legs". No, not what your thinking. He said, "That squishy bit that moves side to side when he runs."
That is floof, all floof!!!
Then last night I was sitting on the PM's hip when she was lying down, waiting for the kids to get ready for bed. The wee lad came in and said "Goldie, get down. You are getting bum juice on Mommy."
Again, WHAT???????????
Excuse me, I do not leave a trail of bum juice where ever I go.
Maybe if I was an eldercat or ill, but not on a regular basis.
Sheesh. I don't know about all this business.
Do you think he is just going through a stage?
Our friends at The Cat Realm had another "I Dare You".

The PM really didn't want me doing this one as this looks just like a pile of crap. "Not all organized and sorted". Oh well. To make it sound better than it looks I am calling it "Mount Creativity".
Here I am trying to ascend the mountain, one of my favorite pastimes.

I don't get to tackle it often as the mountain is in a closet.
The mountain is made up of all kinds of unwanted items, boxes, paper, cans, bottles, all types of plastics, milk containers, tops, paper towel inner rolls, broken toys, broken jewellery etc.
The PM and the wee ones then use those items to make some pretty cool things. We have a few books that are just about that.

I especially like the bird feeders as they help the birds get fat... er I mean, stay nice and healthy in the winter.
So we creatively recycle!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday with Shade and the Stars~Virgo
Thursday with Shade and the Stars~Virgo
The wee lad got a magazine and in it was Astrology for your pet. He thought it was pretty interesting so we are going to be posting a "star sign" each week. For those of you who know when you were born keep an eye/nicatating membrane out for your sign. We are curious to see how close they are with their personality descriptions.
So we will start with~
Praline is that you? Sounds like you my furiend.
Is anycat a Virgo or knows a Virgo?
Tune in next week for Libra.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday~ A tip for the clawless
Tuxie Tuesday~ A tip for the clawless
Just because you unfortunately do not have claws; you can still give the furniture a going over!
I am hoping the stimulation will cause new claws to grow. I know, a long shot, but a ladycat can dream.
As you may have noticed before, I have rather curly whiskers. Well one of the curlicue fellas is getting a wee bit out of control. It has taken to curling itself over my check and into my eye. It doesn't bother me all the time but it gives the PM the heebie jeebies.
My question is how do I tame this wild whisker? The PM heard when she was a little girl that you NEVER cut a cat's whisker. Was that a old wives' tale? She's not prepared to test that theory.
I was thinking some nice moustache wax would be nice. I have always liked the look of handlebar 'staches.
We were very sad to hear that our friend, Pixie, sister to Daisy has gone to the Bridge today. She fought a battle with feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for years and now needs a rest. Our purrs go out to Daisy and her Mom and Dad at this sad time.

A Bloom For Lovely Pixie

We were given this award by our friends The Cat Realm and Tesla. Thanks so much guys!!!

These are the rules that came with~
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours, and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated
We would like to pass this award to some of our funny friends. There are so many out there that we love but we finally chose the following eight. (We had to do four each to make it even. Shade was complaining it wasn't even-Steven. I don't even know a Steven.)
We also received this award from Loa and her babies
and The Cat Realm. We already received it before but just wanted to say thank you!

This is one of my top resting spots. It is available only once in awhile so I have to keep my eye on the PM. Normally there is no camera on hand for a photo op but this time the camera was on the table. The PM was leaned over the table, browsing the newspaper and I knew it was my chance for some "back lounging"
"Stop moving, PM! I'm trying to have a nap here."
I am getting a little concerned that I may be losing some of my feline sensibilities.
Monday, September 8, 2008

Mancat Monday~ They are out to get me.
Mancat Monday~ They are out to get me.
Goldie~ I was checking out the back window, which looks onto the roof of our wood room, when I saw this.
Friday, September 5, 2008

Finally Friday~ A Question for the Meezers
Finally Friday~ A Question for the Meezers
The PM was told a bizarre story about a meezer and we were wondering if any of you cats had ever heard of such things. Maybe some of you need such treatment. Inquiring minds want to know.
The PM said the Nanny had given her something and I didn't really pay any attention. A book, something for the wee ones was what I was thinking.
Then she put this new bed on top of their mattress. What? I was confused. Then I jumped up to investigate.
A nest for me!! How sweet.
It really is quite divine. The first afternoon I did not leave my spot for five hours. The PM thought I was out but no, I was curled up in my new bed. Um... I mean, their new bed.
Just look how squishy it is. See how far my paw sinks.
I wonder if I could get the PM to put my food/water and litter box up here for January and February.
Our friend Texas went to the bridge last night. He gave that cancer a real good fight but he needed to rest. He was a funny, sweet cat and will be greatly missed.