As you may have noticed before, I have rather curly whiskers. Well one of the curlicue fellas is getting a wee bit out of control. It has taken to curling itself over my check and into my eye. It doesn't bother me all the time but it gives the PM the heebie jeebies.
My question is how do I tame this wild whisker? The PM heard when she was a little girl that you NEVER cut a cat's whisker. Was that a old wives' tale? She's not prepared to test that theory.
I was thinking some nice moustache wax would be nice. I have always liked the look of handlebar 'staches.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
ooo that looks ouchies!
I haz never heard not to cut a cats whiskers.
I know that you could never cut them all off because they help us to know where we can fit and where we can't, they is a measuring device, if you were to cut them ALL off we would be in trouble, but ifs that is getting in your eye....
You should just call your local doktor (vet) and ask over the phone :)
We agree, Goldie. This is one for the vet. In the meantime, we certainly sympathise with the annoyance factor!
Sen-Chan and Tom
My mum says it would not hurt to cut just one of your whiskers as the others would still be okay. You just should never cut ALL a cat's whiskers off.
Huffle Mawson
It's OK to trim it, it will grow back. You just don't want to cut them ALL. But you also don't want a corneal scratch on your eye! Checking with your vet is always a good idea!
* Do not cut or trim whiskers - It will hinder one of your cat's 'sensing' abilities.
* If a whisker falls out, don't worry another will grow in its place.
* Cats have similar types of thicker hairs that act like whiskers, above their eyes and on the backs of their front legs.
* Whiskers are good for determining the size of objects (holes/tunnels) your cat can crawl through safely without getting stuck.
Yoo shud call yoor vet an make sure ok! jus cut a little bit so not in eyeball- caz will scratch den haf whole noffer problem an eye meds an all dat junk. Does yoo wanna wear a cone like poor Adan? :(
Have to agree that your Mum can cut just one safely or maybe just trim it a wee bit.
When the boy beans were little they cut Whiskers' whiskers off (Mommy was very cross with them) but he survived OK and they grew back. Mommy loved how his white whiskers looked against his black fur. ~Socks
Æ Æ Æ this is not good ,our bean did clipp her Frosty girl wisker they did grow long to and her was ok
It must be okay to cut one whisker, 'cause I keep breaking mine off, and I'm fine. Just don't cut 'em all off...owie!
Like others have said, you could trim that whisker...just don't cut them all off.
We find when one of our whiskers starts going wacky (that's what mom calls it..."wacky whisker"...that whisker is close to falling out...maybe yours will just fall out too???? (Maybe the PM could give it a gentle tug to see???)
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We agree with everyone else. Never cut all the whiskers off, but cutting one isn't going to make any difference because they fall out now and again anyway.
We agree with everycat else ... Mom used to find loose whiskers all the time, but now she's wondering why she hasn't seen one in a long time ...
She can always find something to worry about. ;-)
I was hoping that the right answer would be moustache wax so we could see handlebar whiskers.
Snip it. Everything grown out is all dead like Bein hairs. One is OK ta snip so long as the others are there for sensin close spaces inna dark.
Clipping one whisker so that it isn't near the eye is OK.
That's better than having it give you an eye owie!
Daddy has mistakenly trimmed my whiskers in a hair cutting incident, it was embarrassing but no issues. I say trim it out of your eye for sure!
Goldie, I think you would look furry handsum with handlebar staches! Yur PM kould probably trim the stray whiskie if it's givin you a problem. Yur twinsie Brainball has furry long whiskies but they all curve down, like a Fu Manchu mustache. Momma calls him a Fu Manchu kitty, hehehehehe!!
Brainball sends purrs to his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We sent ya a Awardie! Come check it out!
Yeah, it won't hurt to just trim dat one whisker, better den haffing it poke yoo in da eye which is furry irritating!
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