I have taken to hiding in the carrot and garlic chives patch.
I am not a fan of the taste though.
I am enjoying this now as the PM said she is digging these up next week.
I may partake in the harvest as these are one of the few things that actually produced anything worth mentioning. They pulled up everything else as there was killer frosts all week.
I won't go on about it, the PM is irked enough as it is.
Next year, we will try again.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Talk about a handsome face! We love the second picture:)
It is so cool that you have a vegie patch to investigate. We had cat grass, but it mysteriously died when our black thumbed mum re-potted it... still trying to move on...
Have a wonderful weekend:)
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
You look great amongst the garlic.
Mum had to pull all our carrots too, but it was because we had so much rain that we were over run with huge slimy slugs. Ugh!!
We think you look amazing surrounded by all that green! We do not think our breaths would be very good if we ate the garlic chives.
hehe at least you HAD carrots, last time my Momma tried to grow them they only grew to the size of your fingernail and just stopped.. nothing, didn't die but did not grow.. hrrmph!
hehe it looks like the soft stalks are tickiling your nose? is they? :))
Did you ever find my mouse? I wanted to see what a real one looked like.
Mom is drooling over the thought of carrots and chives! We have a feeling we would not like them. Great pictures!
Oh you did a lot better than I would have, I have a black thumb when it comes to planting. Hopefully next year the weather will be more kind.
Maybe you can have an indoor garden if you do not already? You look so sweet in the garlic.
Abby & Stygia
Your furs look gorgeous against all that green stuff.
We wanted to thank you for showing us love during this tough time we are having. All the love and support of our friends means so much right now. We love you right back.
And Stryder says that if those mice get out of hand he'll be over in a jiffy.
-Stryder, Scotchy, Sugar & Kellykat
Green is SO your color.
those are great photos! the green brings out your colors. maybe your mommy will plant you a field of catnip next year and you can lay in that?
PS hi shade! my mommy is a libra! i don't know when i was born, but my Gotcha day falls in Scorpio
You must smell good...even if it is garlic!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Wonderful photos. We also just wanted to say in case your mommie didn't know, but garlic cloves are poisinis to kitties (we don't fink the leaves are though!)
Oh noes!!!! Bad Frost!!!!! At least your Mom gets to salvage some things.
Garlic chives? I think Mom would like them. She just has the regular ones ;)
Too much rain is also causing problems for a lot of farmers here :(
Purrs for your Mom ;)
Purrs Mickey
hehe, Goldie! You look adorabble checkin out the garlic and the carrots! I've nefur eated garlic or carrots before.
Brainball waves a big floofy paw at his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You look darling. Hey your not turning vegetarian too are you?
You look so cute in the picture of you sticking out your tongue. Your fur looks so pretty against the green backdrop.
Maybe next time. My mum grows flat leaf parsley, mint, garlic chives, rosemary and thyme. But she grows them all in pots which is NO fun.
Huffle Mawson
stoopid weadder always ruinin finks. I hates it.
I hope you did not eat the garlic.
These are great photos of you in the paths!
Sorry for not being around much lately, we have missed you all a lot!
jummy good stuff well we dont fink u like the smell to well u is covering your nose so good lo u ar to cute
Good hidey places are valuabel! Ya dont haf a eat the stuff though...
I like to play in my mom's garden too. It smells goooood and there are lots of big green leaves that I can hide under.
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