First off I want to pass on an award we received. We are very bad at dealing with these in a timely manner. Bad PM!
We were given this award by our friends The Cat Realm and Tesla. Thanks so much guys!!!

These are the rules that came with~
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours, and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated
We would like to pass this award to some of our funny friends. There are so many out there that we love but we finally chose the following eight. (We had to do four each to make it even. Shade was complaining it wasn't even-Steven. I don't even know a Steven.)
We also received this award from Loa and her babies
and The Cat Realm. We already received it before but just wanted to say thank you!

Next, I wanted to introduce you to the newest member of my city family.
This is Kitty Girl and she came to live with the Nanny after the PM's Grammie died a month ago. Grammie loved her very much and felt like she was a gift from God. Grammie was having a hard time coping when her beloved dog Bruce went to the Bridge. When she thought that the sadness would swallow her up whole, this little kitty showed up. They live way out in the country and no one had ever seen her before. She just appeared one day and when asked to come in to Grammie's house, she marched in, went straight to Grammie's bed, jumped up and went to sleep.
Kitty Girl was Grammie's faithful companion through these last years and laid right beside her right until the end.
She is very pretty and sweet. The Nanny's other cat, Treepie, threw a huge fit when she arrived. Doing his famous Donald Duck talking and swearing like a sailor. He is the last of five cats that the PM and her family had when she was growing up and he has been alone the last couple of years. He has calmed down now and I think he'll enjoy having this precious beauty as a friend.

The Grammie had another indoor cat that went to a good home and there are still a couple living outside in the woodshed. I overheard the PM saying she could take "Emmerson" if they needed her to.
We will have to see what happens.
Kitty girl is a pretty girl! (ha I made a rhyme). And thanks for the award too!
Huffle Mawson
First of all congratulations on your awards! And seconds thankyou muchly for passing one to meeee!!! :)
And mainly.. You story was so beautiful and moving (that's what momma calls it), that this beautiful girl would show up when your Grammie needed her and... well it's just beautiful, she looks like an old soul.. Me, well I knowz how us kittehs work, we is "smarter than the average bear" :)
Ohh and p.s. Momma has had the stupid machine for 2 months so far and is still afraid to use it :P ;)
Kitty Girl is a beauty and I am so happy she has a new home!
Emmerson, eh? This may be interesting!
Concats on your awards, and thanks for passing one on to us.
Kitty Girl is very pretty and she did good work looking after your Grammie. We are glad she is settling in with Treepie now.
Kitty Girl is very glamorous!
Thanks for my award, and for calling me whitty! What a pretty kitty. We kitties sure know how to make our people feel better.
Oh she's jsut lovely. Nixon gives her purrs and head-butts. I'm so glad that your finding all these precious babies good homes, good job!
Thank you for the award. It is truly appreciated. That Kitty Girl is beautiful. I'm glad she's getting along OK in her new home. Sounds like she was sent to look after Grammie.
What a beautiful girl Kitty Girl is! And congrats on your awards...they are well deserved.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
pee ess. Emmerson...a new addition to the family???
Congratulations on your awards! I'm so glad Kitty Girl and the others are going to good homes.
congratulations on your awards! your grammie is very nice to take care of all those kitties.
Kitty girl is very sweet and pretty. i love how she headed right for the bed! obviously very smart!
I think kitty girl is an angel you just can't see her wings under her floofiness...and Welcome KG it is furry nice to meet such a sweet and beautiful girl...
Kitty Girl is so very pretty - she looks sweet! Congrats on your awards!
Thank you for the award and congrats to you for receiving it!
Kitty girl is gorgeous!
Congrats on your awards :)
Kitty Girl is gorgeous :) Maybe angel kitties at the Bridge sent her to Grammie's house.
Emmerson sounds interesting.....
Purrs Mickey
concatulations on yoor awards! Kitty gerl sure is purrty. Hmm, Emerson huh...sounds intreeging.
wat a boootiful kitteh!
peee eess i lefted yoo awardie!
We posted the winning Dare and I Dare You to accept the challenge!
Hi Goldie & Shade,
Congratulations on your awards.Thank you for passing one to me I love your blog too.Kitty Girl is very pretty and I love how she just showed
up and took care of your Grammie....Hugs Ariel
Hay guys!
Congrats on your awards! Very well deserved.
And Kitty Girl sounds like a sweetie!! We are so glad she showed up when your Grammie needed her. I hope she gets along well with Mr. "Donald Duck" talker.
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