The PM said the Nanny had given her something and I didn't really pay any attention. A book, something for the wee ones was what I was thinking.
Then she put this new bed on top of their mattress. What? I was confused. Then I jumped up to investigate.
A nest for me!! How sweet.
It really is quite divine. The first afternoon I did not leave my spot for five hours. The PM thought I was out but no, I was curled up in my new bed. Um... I mean, their new bed.
Just look how squishy it is. See how far my paw sinks.
I wonder if I could get the PM to put my food/water and litter box up here for January and February.
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
That looks very soft, Goldie! What a wonderful new nest for you. :)
As you know, Goldie, we have been fans of the feather bed for a while. Nothing like it, especially on a cold winter's night!!! Enjoy it!
Sen-Chan and Tom
Amazingly softie-lookin! Great nappin spot...
Oh wow, that looks like kitty heaven!
Kool Beaniez! I love yur new kitty bed. I think alla yur stuffies should be up there -- alla yur stinky goodness and efurrything! You look soooooooooo comfycozy up there. And Brainball sends floofy headbonks to you, his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I should be nice here amongst the ladies, however... I haz to be myself and all I can seez here is lots and lots of soft squishy legs and arms to get jiggy with.
They is some big floofy ridges,it must be very cosy :)
My very own bed in my very own bedroom has one of those. It is the BEST!
Huffle Mawson
decadent. worth staying in bed a few extra hours to enjoy this! my humans have wanted one of these for a long time now. You're so lucky to be golden--I would leave black hairs all over it. My humans need to wash everything all the time. (mostly it's Dennis who sheds)
wow a fefur bed we fink your food and water will like u new bed and no u dont have to go out and look fot birtys just kill the bed heheheh we is so glad our bean did finely get your blog name right so now her dont have to look all over the net fur u
Sa-weet! We have one of those down comforters! You are very lucky to get to use yours already! We hardly ever see ours because it hardly ever gets cold enough here in the Deep South to use it.
Yoo look like princess and da pea...
That is a very plush new bed you got! Maybe you could at least sneak your Temptations up there?
That nest looks soft as a cloud!
I am sure that was really a present for you! It is such a perfect place for a kitty to rest.
That looks so nice and soft! You look very good in it, too!!
~ Noah
Oh how I love puffy beds!!!!!!! Mom gives me a puffy sleeping bag in winter because it's so warm and I sink into it! Heeheehee,I know where to find you now :)
Purrs Mickey
Oooh, how skwishy and soft that looks. I woodint want to leeve it eether!
Guess wat?! i haz sumfin fur yoo... here!
Looks like you have a cloud to sleep on, how nice.
That sure looks really comfy!
Look how nice your fur will look all over it... white and golden.
Squishy beds are the best!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Wow! That looks really comfty! Can I join you?
Goldie, you have hit the motherlode of comfort with your new feather bed. It looks lovely.
Mommy took her feather bed off the mattress for the summer and put it in a giant basket for me to sleep in. It is the comfiest bed in the house.
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