This is one of my top resting spots. It is available only once in awhile so I have to keep my eye on the PM. Normally there is no camera on hand for a photo op but this time the camera was on the table. The PM was leaned over the table, browsing the newspaper and I knew it was my chance for some "back lounging"
"Stop moving, PM! I'm trying to have a nap here."
Do any of you use your beans in weird ways?
Hmmmmm..... interesting!!!!!
This morning, I started trying to roll #1 out of bed at 7am. It took me until 8am to succeed, but I never gave up! What was Tom doing all this time? Sleeping instead of helping me...
Ohh that would be so warm and cosy for you both! Do you pooble your pm first? I bet she would like that kitteh massge!
I "kitteh massage" momma legs and arm a lot, she says she can't stop me from humping her so she may as well find something nice in it, so she just sits back and enjoys the massage:)
(p.s. I has no hoohas so I dosen't, well you know, I just marches on the spot a lot )
Goldie, u look mighty pleased there! :D And it is a veri good use of da bean, puts another twist on the word 'beanbag' into 'beanback' haha
I use mum's hand to make biscuits on. She loves it.
Did you learn very much from osmosis?
Huffle Mawson
Oh, you do look every so comfy!
You look very comfy up there. Well, I guess the only weird way that I use Treater is at bedtime. I have learned that I can stay close, stay warm, and get an occasional scritch if I wrap myself around her head while she's asleep.
That's a premo spot, I enjoy napping like that too!
well Me George love to do this samr fink to my bean BUT her dont let me her sey i will brack her i do not now y i am just a littel guy 25 pounds but the bean love u on your mamys it is just to cute
That is definitely a unique napping spot, but I think it might be a little precarious to get too comfortable for too long. (I've heard of lap cats, but I think you're the first back cat I've seen)
As for your stroller question, right now Josie and Maggie are the only ones that Mom and Dad have really tried, but they've talking about taking Huggy or me in the stroller this weekend. We got the stroller on eBay for a lot less than we could get one at Petsmart.
Heeheehee!! That is a really neat spot and soft too ;)
I really like the long ear hairs you have too!!! Pawsome ;)
Purrs Mickey
I love to wrap myself around mommy's shoulders when she is at the computer, but that is harder for me to do now that I am a grown mancat.
I've never tried that, but I like to sit on mum's shoulder when she's trying to eat her breakfast.
Mum says she got your mum's email and she'll write tonight thanks.
Purrs Flynn
When Mom bends over near the counter tops, Grayson does that! We never saw any other cat do that! Grayson also likes to ask to climb up on Mom's shoulder a lot.
You made my girl laugh Goldie. I do that to her sometimes too. I walk up her back and perch on her shoulder and sniff her face if she's lying on her tummy.
Thanks for the offer of the mouse. I'll send you my address for the Fedex whenever your ready!
We really had to laugh because Minchie had a post yesterday showing him on our momma's back. She bent over to get something and he hopped right on! Goldie, we luvs the smile on your face!
I love back lounging, but I only get to do it when Mommy is laying down - I've never tried it like that. I'll have to give that a try!
That looks good must try it!
I like to sit on Dad's head when he's still in bed in the morning - cos then he knows I need my breakfast. I'd sit on Mom but she hides her head under the covers!
hehe, Goldie! You look so cute sittin up there that you maded my Momma say SQUEE!!! Me and Dorydoo lay on Momma and/or Daddy like that sumetimes. Brainball likes layin on Momma and Daddy's footsies and Marilyn likes layin near their heads!
You've got such kool ear fuzzy-tufties!
And Brainball sez Hiya so his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Goldie, you look so happy, even your ears are smiling!
I haven't done the back thing, but sometimes when Mom is sleeping on her stomach (which she shouldn't do), I will lie down on her behnd! Hee! Hee!
I hope she stayed in that position until you finished your nap.
PM Surfing - Nice. I find Mommy's lap to be a perfect bathtub.
I hope the PM took a long time reading her paper, so you could finish your nap, Goldie. You look very happy up there.
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