Our big beast neighbours are back.
Yep, there they are in their huge glory. Some have {{{{shudders}}}} horns.
They belong to the farm that you see in the background across the road but they come over to the field beside our house in the Fall to graze. They make me a little nervous, I have to admit. One time a couple got loose and wandered through our yard while I was out! The PM saw me about five feet away from one laying as flat as a pancake.
I like keeping an eye on them in an elevated position.
Have a moo-velous weekend everyone!!!
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
Those are very big neighbors. I'm glad you like to look at them from up high. I have given you an award.
We have neighbours like that too. One day they got out of their field and came down our drive and pooped everywhere. We had to be careful where we walked.
Are you sure the ones with horns aren't vishus deer in disguise?
holey moley they is HUGE!!!!
I would love to see one of those but I would watch from high like you!! That is very smart!
hah My Momma is scared of cows and horses.. anything bigger than her :P
What a wuss Momma!
Yikes Goldie - my advice is to stay elevated!
We like your big neighbors. Some live behind us with a horse, we like to visit them sometimes.
Those things are fascinating! I would like to watch them, too. From behind a window!
Those are some furry innaresting kreatures! I don't blame you fur stayin ellevated. I'd keep my eye on 'em, espeshully the ones with the horns.
Brainball sends a high paw to his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh my -- I don't blame you for wanting to stay up high, Goldie! Those creatures look so big and bizarre!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Wow, those neighbors are really huge! We would also be afraid of them!
Are they milk cows, I like milk. FAZ
oh yes those. we , being country cats ourselves, see those too. they live very close to our windows.
Be really, really careful with those big neighbors. I think they are friendly but maybe they cannot see down to the ground.
I need you to email me at: sassycatlittle@yahoo.com
It is important
WOW! They are HUGE! You're pretty stout, Goldie, to even THINK of stalking one. I'm muy impressed!
Moo-velous...ha ha! The ones with the horns might have an alliance with the vishus deer, so I would definitely stay away from them.
Goldie, you're smart to be wary of those big creatures. I'm not sure you can trust them.
MOL, Goldie, your jokes crack us up, too:)
It's a good idea to stay up high- they could be some fearsome opponents! You live in such a beautiful part of the world.
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
We forgot to say, we love your new signatures, and how they match you! Very cool:)
Whoa! Those are some huge beasts there! We've never seen those kind before!
They look like they know their photos taken, or maybe they are tinking of invading your yard again!
Stay vigilant, Goldie!
Have a great weekend,
wow u ar so lucky mammy lovssssssssssss cows her go i mile dow the RD to talk to cows her is nut about the her had a pet cow and horsy whe her was a kid iwas way in the day ahahahaah ask your bean to go and give them one big KISSS ps cow ar funny
Tell your bean thank for coming over it beans a lot to me thank you
I had no idea. Really, no idea things like that could be walking around. I thought they were just made up pictures on bottles of milk and ads saying to eat more chiken. Whoa. What next????
Scary neighbours you have. Stay up high and observe. Be careful, buddy!!!!
Jeepers those things are huge!! Good thing there is a fence!!!!
We are not looking forward to snow anytime soon ;)
Purrs Mickey
I don't blame you for keeping an eye out for them. Be careful of those big horns!
My, those are big! I think keeping your distance is very wise. However, did you know that the ones without horns give milk?
They are a lot bigger than our neighbor woofies, and they are scary enough!
Those are big neighbors you have. What pretty countryside!
Wat business do dem haf in YOOR yard?! Sheesh. Dem haf all dat land an dem still wants mores?! Wat iz dat bout? Dem are so greedy.
Those are interesting creatures - I've never seen anything like that!
We have an award for you on our blog:)
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