The wee ones decorated the windows for the big night tonight and the wee lad said he wanted my perch window nicely painted for me.
I am touched that he thought of me but I am glad it will be over tonight as I it is making me nervous!!!!
Have a safe and fun Halloween kitties!!!!!!
Some Random Stuff
6 hours ago
WisHinG yOu a FaBulOuSly SpOoKy HalLoWeEn!
That's a little skeery painting! Have a happy holiday!
That IS a scary window decoration!
Happy Halloween, Goldie and Shade!
That is pretty scary!
Meeooowwww! I'm not so sure I would want that thing staring at me from my favorite window perch!
That's is very cute even if it is a bit frightful! ;o)
Furry scairty drawing!
Happy Halloween!
That scares me! I wouldn't want it staring at me. I'm feeling a bit scared today, so I think I'll spend it under the bed.
Lol...The wee one has talent that's scary.Have a Happy and safe Halloween :)
We can understand why that would make you a little nervous... we would be too..!
ti is trick dont put u nose on it an viff it it wi eat au we knows
*oooooo oooooo*
A scaree pumpkin...we will be glad it's over tonight too...
Happy Halloween
yes, we can see how that would be a little off-putting. we bets if you whap it wif yer tail a few dozen times, you kin erase mosta the scarey mouf! (acourse that'll prolly make the little bean peevish, so maybe you should just keep ignoring the picture.)
happy meowloween!!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Hope you get lots of treats today and no tricks!!
That sure is a scary picture on your window, be careful not to get too afraid.
Hey, the wee ones are talented - I don't think I'd want that staring at me, either! ;-)
Wuahouhauauoooohhh - that's the sound the face does, isn't it? Scairy! Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! I think that window painting would make me a little nervous, too!
That would scare us!
Happy Halloween!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
How nice they even thought about you, Goldie! ;-)
Have a great Halloween everyone!
It was nice of the wee lad to think of you! Happy Halloween!
Love the pumpkin painted window. It doest look spooky.
Howling Hugs...Gretchen and Mike
Oh Man Goldie, we dose not get the creeps easily but that sure does give it to us.. hahah how do you "accidentally" wipe it offs???
Say maybee your butt was itchy and you needed to run it on something??? :P
Happy Halloween guys!!
How sweet (the wee one)!...and menacing )the jack-o-lantern). Happy Halloween!!!
It's pretty scary alright.
That is a very scary face on that window behind you there!!!
Happy Halloween to you!!!
Thank you for visiting us - we are a bit neglectful with the visiting lately but have put word out already that we need better help!!!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl
That is one spooky pumpkin!!! Great job !!
BOO!! Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
A very scary, but well done piece of art!
Thank you for coming by this week with your kind words of support. It has been very stressful and trying at our house lately and the kind words from even kitties we didn't know were amazing. Thank you.
How is Canon des days? did he come bai an trick or trests at yoor houseS?
That's a mighty fine pumpkin on your window there, Goldie! I hope you all had a fun Halloween.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
What a kool punkin, Goldie! Brainball's sendin you a high paw!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy Halloween Goldie and Shade! I hope you had a spooky night! The Food Lady has not kept up on blog visits for me, so I apologize. Your decorations look wonderful!
Purrs and paws, Halloween
That is scary! Hope it is gone now.
Shade & Goldie!!! I see datyou iz lookin' safe & sound. We sure haz missed vizitin' dis summer, but we hopes to make it by at leastee once a week now.
Stop by if you can fur da bloggoversarry partee I yam hanfun, & bring your palz!
Dr Tweety
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