We have some of these cattails by our driveway.

The PM and the wee ones were playing with them and they exploded!!! Tail innards everywhere!!!!!
I found the fluff was very similar to my floof.

Now, do you suppose that my tail might
explode like that some day sending
Goldie seeds everywhere?
A field of Goldies blooming next Spring would be quite the sight to behold.

Goldie, you look so supremely FLOOFY in that picture!!!
We love the idea of Goldie seeds everywhere but it would also be rather a shock and maybe painful, so we think your tail should stay just as it is!
Happy Monday!
We hasn't seen plants like that b4. You do look nice and floofy, your furs are all soft like mine.
Have a nice week.
Oh, we hope your tail does not explode, Goldie!
Um, I hope your tail doesn't explode, that sounds painful.
Huffle Mawson
Goldie, I think little rows of Goldies would be adorable!
We do hope you tail doesn't explode, it would be very scary. Mommy loves Cattails (what a strange name for a plant). ~S,S & C
Our mum sniggered, because she has a dirty mind. Silly woman.
That cat tail looks like a dagwood dog.
O yes ask u mom to sen our bean some so her can plant u all over lol See this is y my mamy dont shave my tale when her take me to vet and get groomd
"A field of Goldies blooming" !!! Hahahahaha!! That would be a sight to see!!! It would be great too,except for the exploding tail part!!
Purrs Mickey
Goldie, those cattail innards are very floofy! But we wouldn't want your tail to explode!
Fui and Suey, your comment made the PM blush! She wasn't thinking of that at all!!! I don't really get it...
Floofy tail explosions! Oh I hope not, although the world could use more Manly Apricot cats, oh and of course more sweet Tuxie Girls too.
Goldie we thought the idea of golden seeds all over would be great...
purrs, Abby
Goldie, you are just gorgeous! We have lots of cattails here, but I haven't seen one explode yet ... although they do get all floofy sometimes when I chase them!
Well, most certainly we do not want your tail to explode!
On the other paw, a "field of goldies" sounds quite lovely.
Haha, Goldie Seeds! You could send me some and they would spread over the whole of Europe... Great! That is a very nice picture of you, Goldie.
Purrs, Siena
Whoa! I would like to see the baby Goldies that would bloom from your tail fluff!
A field of Goldies blooming effurywhere might be fun, except fur da exploded tail part. We wouldn't want yoor tail to explode.
If your tail does explode, please send some Goldie seeds my way! *purrs, Whimpurr*
Now everytime my tail puffs up when a dog goes by I'm going to be worried.
This having a floofy tail is a huge responsibility. Those with long skinny tails just don't know.
While I wouldn't want your tail to explode, Goldie, (cause you might need it again, someday)I do think a whole bunch of Goldie seeds that sprouted and became little Goldies might be really neat! 'Course, your PM might not appreciate it!
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