We are moving on to our next sign.
This week it is~
March 21- April 20
Aries pets are energetic explorers. You can count on them to active, curious and a bit demanding.
A bit demanding? Hmmm... I doubt any of us are demanding. That one must be wrong.
Is anycat a Aries or knows a Aries?
Tune in next week for Taurus.

I'm an Aries, very energetic and everything. Not demanding, of course!
Purrs, Siena
If I was not born on Dec. 17th, I would almost think I was an Aries!
Abby Normal
My dad is an Aries. He's very demanding. Always telling me to get out of bed and get a job.
Huffle Mawson
This sounds like Charybdis
Aries pets are energetic explorers. You can count on them to active, curious and a bit demanding.
We do not know exactly when we were born but it was sometime in March. Mommy adopted us April 11th when we were around 4 weeks old. Nobody knows our exact birthday cause our Mommy was a feral cat.
If Siena is an Aries, then it must be a good sign!
We were wondering what sign Banshee is?
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
I'm not an Aries. Well, anyway, you're invited over on Saturday! Here's the invitation!
We're not Aries...but we're still demanding!
This sounds a bit like Gerry, but we do not know when he was born. We only know that he is on rocket fuel.
Whicky Wuudler
We are Aries as we were born on April 8th. We definitely like to explore, and we demand our food on time.
haha I know this is not mez, however the demanding is soooo true of all us meezers.. I do not know one that does not yell and scream till they get their way.. even rockets ifs we have to :P hehe
My mum is an Aries...she's very demanding!
it look beautiful i dont know no one in this one
we dun noo no one dat iz dat, but we iz BOF geminis we finks.
I am not sure when Tillie & Georgia were born(litter mates) but Tillie is a Diva!!!! Hahahahahahaha
It's Mom's fault for spoiling her ;)
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: Nice graphics :)
Nope no Aries here.
I think it's beautiful,
but I don't know what star that is either .
Gosh I didn't know there was a special star sign for each cat! I shall have to look my own one up soon I guess, after all my birthday is only about 6 weeks away now! :)
I'm an Aries! I can't believe you said Aries are demanding. That is so wrong. I DEMAND you take it back...just kidding, it's all completely true.
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