So I guess it is my turn to rattle off some random things about me.
- I am not too fond of the new wild one at our house.
- I think she thinks she is better than me.
- She is suffering from a bad case of horrible manners. I can't use the litter box when she is out without a flippin' audience.
- The PM made up a bed in a box for me right by the wood stove.
- I am in love with my box.
- I plan to hibernate in my box.
- I need a body guard. Please send help.
- Did I mention I am not in the "I Love Banshee" fanclub?

Given the picture yesterday of your "outside", we can understand that you might want to hibernate, but we would miss you, Shade!
We have a bit of "box-viewing" or is it "box-supervising" going on here too...
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tama and Tom
Yup, sisters can be a pain in the tail. But I bet Banshee will tire of watching you go to "the box."
Maybe Banshee is watching you in the litterbox to see the right way to do it.
Hi Shade! It is me, Jimmy Blossom! I am being allowed to comment on this post because I know ALL about litter box snoopervision. You see, I have a stalker named Seamus. As soon as I am done with my personal business, the little copycat jumps in, has a sniff, and then does what I did!!! Outrageous!
In other news, I like your box.
Love from Jimmy Blossom.
I had a box in here the other day, but mom started puttin stuff in it and pretty soon there was no room for me! So, I had to jump out and go lay on her bed. I wonder if Banshee just wants to be with, for snugglin' purposes or somethin'?
Hi Shade. We have two girls in our house and two boys, and the two girls just don't like each other. Sylvie thinks that since she's been in the household longest, she should be queen. Gingy thinks that because she's so beautiful, she should be queen. They squabble about it every day. I think you might be able to convince Banshee that you have seniority rights. Your PM is nice to have made you a box nest by the wood stove...sounds wonderful, especially with snow outside!
your friend,
Shade, you are so very handsome there in your bed! Enjoy your box by the heater! *purrs*
Shade, you really hit the nerve with this litter box audience thing! The only thing is, ehem, that it's the other way round here with us. I like to watch Chilli (the little one) "doing it". I'm quite her shadow but she's so hyperactive she doesn't realize. Give Banshee time, I'm sure she doesn't mean harm to you. You might even take it as a compliment: Even your litter box business is SO interesting! I think, you have quite a fan there. Oh, a new box? That's always great!
Purrs from Siena and tiny, squeeky, hectic sounds (which could be purrs) from Chilli, too.
Shade, your box sounds wonderful, may you spend many peaceful hours there. I sympathise with you about the nosy sibling thing. Gerry is known for his lack of manners, he whapped Angel whilst she was on the job once, and boy did he get his money back there! He only did it the once. Here's to good manners from Banshee!
Whicky Wuudler
I'm sure you'll get used to Banshee. In the meantime, I'd stick to the box. I love boxes.
Iago is ALWAYS snoopervising our private litter time! He even tried to climb in with us!
Poor Shade! A new kitty is a big adjustment. You just stay in your box and everything will be fine!
So sorry the Banshee is still driving you crazy!
Little brothers and sisters are a big adjustment, that's for sure!
Shade,that is a really nice bed you have!! I'm sorry you don't get along with Banshee,but then I don't get along with my sisfurs ;)
Purrs Mickey
What? You don't want company when you go to the litter box? Oh, I find that so strange! Because I think we should all go together. I always want Ms. C to come with me when I use mine (but she often declines...) and I try to be with her when she uses the human's. You should try it, it's friendly!
Abby Normal
hahah I like to watch Mushka on the loo too!@! Only coz then when she is done I do the rocketing to tell Momma to clean it for her.
I am sure you guys will get used to each other and hey.. someone to blame when there is a naughty :P hhe
hai... me heard dat banshee finks me hansum... me finks banshee iz bootiful... me so barrassed...
Oh dear, maybe you will get along later. Give it a little more time.
Thankyou for coming by and leaving healing purrs and get well wishes. I sure appreciate them. I am much better now as a result - just have to gain some weight.
I am very thankful for having such caring furriends.
It's unseemly Shade. A girl needs a little Me time.
I like to use our covered litterbox for privacy, but my brother always follows me and hides beside it until I'm finished and emerge from the box. Then he jumps out from hiding, whaps me, and chases me. At least Banshee just watches.
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