So this is my first meme. I'll try my best.
Here are 8 random things about me.
- I get along well with dawgs and was used in the shelter as a dog tester. I was brought into a room with a dawg and then the staff would see how the dawg reacted. I have no lasting ill effects from the experience. **twitch** **twitch**
- I am scared of the TV, guitar and washing machine. The PM says I probably never lived in a house before. Maybe a barn.
- I am also nervous around the wood stove.
- I am rather food obsessed, I would like to eat all day long.
- I like to stir my water like I am making soup, before I drink it.
- I never had catnip before. The PM gave me a toy that had ancient nip in it and I went totally ballistic. No fresh nip for me for a long, long time.
- I headbutt things very hard~ I may need a kitty helmet.
- I am very very hard on toys. The PM thinks I may need some dawg toys. I had this ball for about 20 minutes and this is what happened. Goldie had it for three years.

We are smiling at the thought of you wearing a little kitty helmet....
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
Banshee, your eyes are very well captured in this picture. You have such an expressive face! Interesting facts about you! I do that stirring-in-the-water-thing too: Who wants a layer of dust on their refreshment?!
Maybe you shouldn't be that hard on toys... or is it what you saw at the litter box with Shade? ;)
Purrs, Siena
We don't know why our mom laughed when she looked at the picture of that ball. WE are very, very impressed.
Our mom would like you to know she once knew a cat named Banshee who was also a Calico! She was only 12 years old at the time and living in Egypt.
Abby & Stygia
We don't think we would have liked to be a dog tester, it sounds scary.
We both like to stir our water too.
Well done Banshee! We love your pretty face! When Mommy volunteered at the shelter she always gave the dog-tester cats extra treats!
Mum thinks you need a puppy wubba. I have one and I've hardly put a dent in it, unlike my favourite mouse which is losing all his stuffing.
Huffle Mawson
I think I know where you get your name from. Just look at that face and listen to the interesting things about you. I look forward to hearing about your future projects in the household.
Banshee, we think you are an absolute corker! Often kitties who have been starving will eat like mad for a few months after finding a good place to live. You'd look delightful in a little helmet. You are definately a Tuff Tortie with Tortitude!
Whicky Wuudler et al
Banshee, you are a character! I like to stir my water tastes better that way. We are looking forward to seeing a picture of you wearing a little kitty helmet!
Banshee...those are some furry interesting things about you...a d*g tester??? That's quite a job, we think! And stirring your water? We have to try that!
Hi Banshee great to know those interesting things about you. You are nearly like Olli. Olli is a dog tester too, he can also eat all the day and the rest of the other cats too. He tried to stir water too.
That´s great what you done with the ball.
Luna, Luzie and olli
Dawg tester? That sounds very scary!
This is a very good meme, Banshee. It's very nice to get to know you.
Hi Banshee. Lovely to hear about your likes and dislikes. You are a beautiful cat and we hope that you will soon become happy and comfortable in your new home. Some of us had to learn how to age 8 or 9!...and get comfortable with house noises (all of us except Sylvie still hate the vacuum cleaner). Maybe your Meowmy can offer you a treat when she does the wash, so you will think the washing machine means something good!
you is my kinda kitty!
You have such a great presence and we think you will get use to all the normal noises in a home very quickly, although none of us likes the sucky machine that MOmma brings out to clean the floors.
Banshee, I think what you did to that toy is so muy AWESOME! You just keeeeeelled it!
I'm so glad you have fur-ever home!
Thanks for the giggles! I can just see you now in your little kitty helmet! Wow, you really are hard on your toys! *snicker* :o)
Okay I was going to try not to get on the Banshee Band Wagon for Shade's sake but I gotta say I am getting kinda fond of you too.
Please make friends with Goldie and Shade soon so I can (openly) be great friends with you too.
Banshee, you are such a character. Every time I see your cute face and markings, I smile.
I always wondered what was inside those balls ... thanks for finding out for us.
hehe Banshee you even hooked my dadda with your wiley looks! he said you have beautiful furrs and markings and he thinks your colour is like a pumpkin.. anything that is food coloured is nom nom nommy by me! hehe
I loved learning those things about you.. I wish I knew why you headbutted stuff, I do accidentally when I iz running and can't stop..
Hahahahahaha!!! A dog tester,hard on toys and goes crazy on nip!!!!! You are a super excitable kitty!!!!! I bet you are fun to have around and will keep Shade & Goldie on their toes!!! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
hi bean is taking a bracke it is 8 am and her sey her is puft her dont look puff to us but her fink u is so beautifu U look like the CAT WOMAN grrrrrrrr fanks fur stoping by well dinner is her got to go hehe
Great meme!!!
Happy early Thanksgiving to you and your family!
"I headbutt things very hard~ I may need a kitty helmet."
Michico always says I also need helmet, too!
Banshee we just had to tell you that you are a GORGEOUS kitty! Your face is so mesmerizing.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Dog tester! Wow, you must be the most tolerant and calm kitty ever. My formerly feral sisters and brither were very scared of loud noises at first too. I'm so excited for you that you get to experience such wonderful things like nip.
Do nice to learn about you! Tannie stirs his water too ... And he paws around the water bowl. Making magic potion our Mom says!
The WCTs
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