Some cats asked about my name. I thought I would give it some explaination. When I was in the shelter my name was Mama. That made a lot of sense since I had five kittens. The PM decided to change my name as I didn't respond to it, I don't have kittens anymore and the wee ones call her "Mama" too. She said she hears "Mama" about 279 times a day now and that's enough.
Here is the definition of what a Banshee is:
Banshee~ In Celtic folklore, a female spirit believed to wail outside a house as a warning that a death will soon occur within the family. According to tradition, the banshee can only cry for five major Irish families: the O'Neills, O'Briens, O'Connors, O'Gradys and Kavanaghs. The banshee chiefly appears as either a young woman, a stately matron, or an old hag.
Sounds a little spooky but thank Bast these folks are MacNeils and not O'Neills.
When the PM was starting to think up a name for me, the wee lad suggested it be something Halloween-like as they got me a few days after Halloween, I am made up of Halloween colours and I am kind of scary looking at times.
What? Me scary looking?????
Well, Ok, maybe a bit scary looking.
The PM started thinking of spooky, weird, folklore things and as soon as she thought of Banshee, she knew it was right. It sounds nice rolling off your tongue and it can be said quickly in case I am chewing off parts of the furniture. The banshee can appear in different forms which is not unlike me. I have many diverse aspects of my personality (or catality, as the wee lad says) from sweet purring ladycat to raving lunatic.
Also the PM was telling her sister about my name and mentioned the 70's punk band Siouxsie & The Banshees. Her sister said that I looked like Siouxsie Sioux too.

do look like her but my makeup is
au naturel.

Pawsome portrait!!!! I love it - such character and style. Thanks for the run down on your name. Very interesting - great story for a wild night.
Wow, that's a pawsome name explanation. I do admit, that you look a bit scary in the picture. I'm sure though, that if we met at night, no paw would be lifted.
Just curious: Is there a photo of you and your kittens?
Purrs, Siena
Hey! you're right, you do look like Siouxsie Sioux.
Thanks for telling us all about your name, Banshee! We think you have an amazing face!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
That was a great explanation of your name! Banshee, I think you are very pretty and your markings rock!
Thanks for the explanation of your name. You do look a little scary in your picture. I predict we are going to be hearing about a lot of interesting times in your household.
Great post about how you got your name. We are also glad the McNamara's weren't one of those 5 fambilies!
Laila and Minchie McNamara
we loved reading about your name - and you are very beautiful and not scairty
Banshee you are much prettier than Siouxsie Sioux.
Rock on Banshee! What a face! We are betting there will be lots of fun adventures in your future.
ahhaahah u look a littel scary to us to but the bean sey her fink u ar just a want to be GRRRRRRR girl we bet u are just a PURRY CAT
I think you are much cuter than Siouxsie!
You are much prettier than Siouxsie! But you are a bit fierce in your portrait ...
TS Elliot said every cat has three names.
Banshee Siouxsie Socks sounds about right to me.
And I know calicos. Calico girls are so sweet.
Hey...maybe you could be called Banshee Siouxsie Sweet Socks!
You DO look a bit scairty in that photo, Banshee! We knew the lore, that is why we said we what we did! We are glad you are not one of the 5 families! Whew! ;)
You are a splendid owlish cat Banshee. We think you are a harbinger of feline fun!
Whicky Wuudler et al
We love hearing about how others earned their names!
We think you look VERY imposing in that picture. Your natural makeup is quite classy!
Abby & Stygia
Goldie, Shade and Banshee and Danica,
Thank you so very much for your kind caring words and your purrs!! They mean so much to all of us!! Thank you!!
kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, mom Penny and Angel Winton
Banshee, I just LOVE your face! You have so much character.
We think you are cute!
The wee one is very smart about your name. But the name Halloween is taken!!!!!! Banshee could have been Halloween2 though.
We think it's a wonderful name for you - very fitting in all ways!
We think Banshee fits you quite long as you don't scream like one!
While you resemble Siouxsie Sioux, you are prettier!!! I love that picture of you!!!! You look intense ;)
That's so cool !!!!
Purrs Mickey
I think your name is very cool, Banshee.
Huffle Mawson
Momma loves Souxie and the Banshees!!! I do not know if you look like Souxie though.. you is MUCH nicer!!
I LOVE how you look... there is nothing better than being unique.
And I loves your name :)
we LOVE the name Banshee- mom calls isis the woofie a banshee ALL the time because of her high pitched bark!
thank you so much for thinking of tesla during our hard time! We're still not completely better, but we're on the right track! thank you so much!
Banshee you are a real standout. Hope you are getting along well with my fine friends!!
Well, maybe yoo can look a little bit scary but we think yoo is mostly cute. Dad sez yoo haf a face like a person but her couldn't amember who until we got to da bottom...
It's nice to meet you Banshee!! We love your coloring and you look so cool! Hope all is going smooth in the getting to know each other department!
Your FL furiends,
Opps!! That was us above! Forgot to logout!
Oh my! Banshee looks even scarier than PooPoo!
Banshee is a great name. It's unusual and sounds very pretty.
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