We are moving on to our next sign.
This week it is~
April 21- May 20
Taurus pets are stubborn but dependable. They return affection, appreciate good food and don't like change.
This sounds like me, I do have quite a stubborn streak. Maybe the PM has my birthday wrong after all!!
Is anycat a Taurus or knows a Taurus?
Tune in next week for Gemini.

Our Kitty YumBum was a Taurus and she could be very stubborn. She was very affectionate to mum but didn't like anyone else. She tolerated our dad.
I don't know anycat who is a Taurus. If they are stubborn it's probably just as well.
Huffle Mawson
Rudy is a Taurus. Through and through...
Hrmpf, I don't like change either. And I'm not Taurus.
Siena (still grumpy about the new one, although there was some licking)
wow about time u do mine mine I am so furfagt heheheh hansom and loving cute love the ladys fur ones and the bean kind iam werry littel just 25p my mamy calls me LITTEL LOVER GUY but i do have a name he he GEORGE
My brother Madison is a Taurus. He's the only one where we actually know his real purrthday, May 13th. He definitely does not like change!
Taurus humans are definitely stubbirn!! MommaBean, DadBean, and UncleFrankBean (not rilly a "Real" uncle-rilly just Mom and Dad's bestest friend) are ALL tauruses! We have no idea how on ERF they get along because they are all so stubbirn! But they all luf eachuver furry much.
Scylla is stubborn enough to be a Taurus. ~S,S & C
The stars are all lined up to assure that you are perfect for your part in CCSI IV.
Congratulations and welcome on board as we head into the final preperations for the next CCSI IV: The Momomo Caper I look forward to getting to know you better. Your hard work in this show has been appreciated by all!
My brother and sister are Tauruses. They insist that they are definitely not stubborn. I think they are stubborn, but they refuse to discuss it. Hmmmmh.
Max, me and Daddy are all Taurus. Daddy is stubborn. Me and Max aren't. Well, maybe Max is, but I'm NOT!!
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