I may have indulged in too much nip. I didn't think that was possible but the PM and the wee ones came home from the day of library and swimming lessons to find me and the cranky Shade in this position. I think Shade was over her limit too to allow this to happen.
Our rear paws are actually touching.
So take heed when nip is offered. Pace yourselves.
I also thought I was hallucinating. I heard a noise in the woodstove and when I peeked through the glass I saw THREE sets of beady eyes looking back at me. I have to admit, I got a little scared. I retreated to my bed and tried to sleep it off. It was not a bad trip though, there were three starlings in the wood stove. To me, if you are stupid enough to fly down a chimney into a woodstove, you need to be my midday snack. The PM rescued them though and they flew off to have stupid starling babies.
Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Some Random Stuff
5 hours ago
Eat the starlings today, and be full for today. Let the starlings have starling babies, and you've got lunches for a long time! ;)
It's really hard to draw the line at nip intake limit... before you know it, it's happy dance time or 'why am I sleeping next to you' scenario like urs, Goldie! hee hee
Wow - you are touching! That 'nip must have been pretty powerful.
We didn't know that you could have too much nip...thanks for clueing us in on that!
After seeing your head in that nip bucket the other day, this picture does not surprise me one bit. However I thought you were a seasoned stoner Goldie and could hold your nip. Nice rear paw touchy action with Shade. Those starlings are in line for a Darwin Award.
That was some kind of powerful nip! Even so, we think you may want to try it again, if it means you can curl up together and touch!
A little cuddle goes a long way...
Take it easy on the nip.
"Wow" that must have been some strong nip.I tagged you two for a meme please go to my blog and see :)
Yes, when indulging in 'nip you must pace yourself. If you don't you'll get too 'nipped out and lose control.
Wow that really must have been some powerful nip! We think you were pretty restrained not eating the whole bucket!
mmmm starlings. they are evil bully birds and must be eaten by hungry kitties.
careful with that nip. everything in moderation...like mommy learned on her birthday...
WOW, what a trip! Glad you survived it! ~Purrs~
No wonder, you had your head IN that big bowl of premium nip the other day. I saw it!!!! You know you really should dig into the starlings when you could. Haven't you heard what they say about one bird in the paw is worth ten in the trees?
Sounds like that was some pretty potent nip!
Hahahaha - Tintin will overfeed Mrs. Oz with nip now! Whenever he tries to touch her - she screams and runs away!
I very much like the expression in the second picture!
Can I have some nip?
Your June 2008 peace globe has been placed in The Peace Globe Gallery
You are officially peace globe #1008.
BlogBlast For Peace ~ November 6, 2008 is going to be awesome! Hope to see you there.
You look like nip induced bookends.
Sometimes, touching the "OTHER" is OK...
hehe you both look like you should be holding a crest of arms between you!!
there is nothing like touching tosies!
They are some silly birdies to fly down a chimney!! :)
Awwww, now look at them! You're so sweet together! ; )
Moms are so strange... mine saved a bumblebee today. I mean, with winter coming up , it was almost a mercy killing...
Sweet purrs, Siena
I never imagined that there is such a thing as too much nip, but the photographic evidence of you two in such a compromising position is certainly a wake-up call. I will pace myself.
Oh my, your nip looks very potent! No wonder you are napping! I wish I had some whole-leaf nip like that. Lucky you.
Purrs and good wishes...
Miss Kitty
oh no stoopid starling babies.
Wow! Just think you had birdies that actually flew into a stove. That is really having your meal prepared for you, just set to bake and there you go!
Thanks for stopping by and helping me celebrate my first blogoversary, it is always nice to see you. Boy we all sure were colorful when we were finished weren't we?
Well, now there's a start of something good. And too bad about your midday snack getting rescued.
That must have been some really powerful nip. Imagine being too stoned to go for birdies who were right in your house. Of course, you would have had to get the wood stove door open first and that might have been hard.
What an experience, the nip and the starlings both sound exciting. FAZ
What an experience, the nip and the starlings both sound exciting. FAZ
Oh, you two look so cute, curled up so close to each other! And WOW WOW WOW, does Goldie ever look like my big brother Brainball! Twinsies, for sure!
Thank you so much for your sweet birthday wishes. I had a lovely day!
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Oh, you two look so nice resting with your paws touching. My two kitty boys do that sometimes. I think it must keep their feetsie warm.
G + S: Please ignore Blondie talking about us touching paws. It only happened once...by mistake, and cat nip was involved.
Jeepers!!!!! You really did go over board on the nip :o heeheehee
Stupid starlings...hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
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