We are moving on to our next sign.
This week it is~
January 20- February 19
Aquarius pets are smart but unpredictable. They like to roam and do not always do as they are told.
Will the rebel pet please stand up.
Is anycat a Aquarius or knows a Aquarius?
Tune in next week for Pisces.

We do not know any Aquarius cats. Mommy is an Aquarius bean. The description fits Scylla except for the roaming part. She is a home body, but she NEVER minds Mommy & Daddy and she is very clever. ~S,S & C
I dont know any Aquarius pets either, but my Mommie is an Aquarius. Maybe thats why she never does what I tell her to. Hmmmmmmmmmm.
You'd think I was an Aquarius, well it is my Gotcha Day - does that count?
Hi! I decided to flood you with the award you received only a few days ago... Hehehe, can't help it, I love your blog!
Purrs, Siena
Wowie, those are some really kool star sunglassies!
Brainball sends high paw to his soul brutha. :)
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Waiting for Kitteh to breakout wiff, "Goodbye Norma Jean..."
Cool shades Kitteh!
Oh oh oh, I love your sunglasses! They are purrfect!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Oh noes that makes them sound to utterly hard to love with!
I love your glasses hehe that truly is seeing stars :)
I love Shade's shades!
Shade I voted for you in Frisky fall. I loved your picture and your poem.
I don't know any Aquarius kitties. They sound interesting to live with. I love Shade's shades.
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