We are moving on to our next sign.
This week it is~
November 23- December 21
Sagittarius pets are energetic adventurers. They like to get out--- and not just in the backyard.
Is anycat a Sagittarius or knows a Sagittarius?
Tune in next week for Capricorn.

We know a Sagittarius! His name is Pasta, and he is a reeeeally cute ginger short hair. Our mum loves him. He is a bit of a scaredy cat though. He was our foster brother when we were little babies! He would let us snuggle with him, and cleaned us. He is one cool cat!:)
-Fui and Suey (but not Evie, because she would scare the pants off him!)
I don't! But they sound very nice!
Dennis knew a Sagittarius named William Cullen. He looked a little like Goldie. But not as good looking of course.
Dennis is an Aries, Eddy is a Taurus, Chedwick is a Gemini.
We don't know anyone who is a Sagittarius but it certainly sounds like Charybdis. ~S,S & C
Our Grampy is a Sagittarius! He loves to garden in our yard, but he does not go on many adventures anymore.
Doesn't that sound like Mao over at Skeezix' house? Yeah, and Max the Psychokitty, too! But not me..most definitely NOT me!
Thanks for thinking of us but... not quite! Sen-Chan was born under the sign of Cancer, and Tom is a Leo! #1 says her ascendent (whatever that is) is Sagittarius, though
This sure sounds like us but none of us are a Sagittarius. Maybe we were in a previous life?
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
P.S. We hope you'll come join in the fun at
Hmmpf. If a human can't control me, how can the stars influence me? (But then, we Aries are skeptical by nature... :-)
I woz born on the 8th of Dec
I do not know if I iz an adventurer coz I am not aloowed outside unless soopervised by Momma and on my lead, however I iz not afraid of anything and get into everything, I guess they are good traits of an adventurer? :)
Wat sign iz mez?!
Oh boy I'm next!!
Our maid is a Sagittarius... And she is out of the house way too much!!!
I'm a Sagittarius in my dreams.
That sounds like a fun type of cat :)
Purrs Mickey
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