I have to say I am a little perturbed. We just had a very long break from blogging and now I am told we have to take another. Can't these people get everything done at once?? Apparently our new windows are in and and a bunch of things need to be done before they come to put them in plus do some crawlspace renos.
Then I find out we, yes we cats, are going to live in the city while all the work gets done. WHAT??? I never OK'd that plan!
This should be interesting.
The PM is also very stressed out with the fox situation. First we thought they were just stopping by but now we know they actually have a den in the berm. We thought there was a Mom and two kits, now we know there is a BIG Dad too and four kits not two! The Dad has been catching some big birds and the PM is worried about rotting carcasses. She wants them to move along into the deep woods ASAP!! She loves watching them but she doesn't want them living beside us permanently. She's worried about the wee ones while they are out and she doesn't let them stray too far from her side. That has slowed down all the planting and weeding that should be happening now. The PM thinks they will have to go with a small veggie patch this year.

The wee ones and the MM also have a horrid cold. We cats are just going to have some naps and enjoy the sun, inside!

I hope this all passes soon and we'll be back in a couple of weeks!!

Please hurry bakhk!
I'll be extra hungry fur woo by the time woo return!
PeeEssWoo: They are khute little khritters - woo have to give 'em that!
They are rather lovely but I can see your mum's concerns. Take care and dont worry we will be here waiting for you.
Hugs GJxx
PS you are rather like me.
Well...really...whose yard is it anyway! Silly foxes need to go find their own yard! Don't they know it belongs to you!?
We will miss you when you are on break...please stay safe and let us know how you are doing in the BIG CITY!!!
Don't stay away too long as we miss you A LOT!]
Our #1 says to tell you she will be in touch via email about meeting up as she is heading to "The Island" on July 1 and will be there until July 29.
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
The fox are very cute, but further away is much better. Enjoy your naps.
Oh we're gonna miss you! But maybe you'll have some good stories to tell about living in the city!!
Those foxes are cute...'specially the babies...but best from a distance!
We'll see you when you get back!
Wow! You are going to be City Cats! We will miss you but look forward to hearing your adventures when you come back.
We are going to miss seeing you but it sounds like you should have fun in the city!
wowie a holiday in the city, but don't come back with city Cattitude heheh we will miss you guys!!
The foxies are so cute but we understand your mommas worry, maybe everytime she sees them she could run out flailing her arms to deter them, and they might get sick of it and find some place else.. do you have a wildlife group or anything? we have one here that catches and relocates wild animals?
We knows it will all work out but he hope it happens a little faster and puurs to get rid of your colds!! :)
We'll miss you very much, but it's better to be safe!
I will miss you! Take care and I will see you when in a couple of weeks.
We'll miss you furry much, but as efurryone has saided, it's bettur to be safe. Those are adorabble picskhures of you. And wow, the foxies! We have a few foxes in the mountains here, too. And good luck with yur garden! Momma and Daddy are lovin gardening this year.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi Goldie. Exciting times at your house! We hope the city is comfortable and interesting while the beans work on the windows. Please tell the PM not to worry too much about the foxes...they go after animals much much smaller than the wee ones (or the cats), and we're pretty sure they're not going to leave rotting carcasses around...they usually eat everything and don't leave anything around that would attract a predator to their den. The pictures are wonderful...it's quite a gift to see the kits so close up!
Moving to the big city! Well that should be interesting. We will miss you like crazy!
Maybe if the PM went out more they would get scared off, or maybe the workers will chase them into the woods (not literally!).
I saw you in the blog of Zoolatry! You are very beautiful and cute !
I hope we can be friends =)
Jas & Gi
The cubs are very cute, but we would be nervous having them living so close too.
Have a good break, we will miss you.
Stay safe while you're away!
Huffle Mawson
Oh no, come back soon!
I know how it is though, because my mom has a super lot going on too.
Careful of that fox!
Move to the City: Been there, done that...
Hated the plane trip, ALL the car trips and especially hated not being able to go outside.
And the humans just kept saying it was going to be alright. Ha!
I just hope they don't send you three to a prision camp like Hart and I were unjustly sent to for awhile.
What is up with the people anyway? A window is all good if you can see out of it, and a crawl space is good if you can crawl in it.
Plus how do they expect this work to be done properly without feline snoopervision????
Wow....that is furry exciting you have foxes so close by.
Take good care of yourselves on your break. The foxes are cute, but we can understand the PMs misgivings about them. We look forward to seeing you back, and hearing about your big city experience:)
We just found your blog and signed up to follow, and we look forward to getting to know you! Maybe the foxes will be grown and gone when you get back from the city...they scare us a little!
stop going away we miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss yoou too much.
Sorry you have to go away again...but keep track of your adventures in the city and tell us when you get back. That daddy fox looks scary to me...burrrr...makes me shiver! A coyote once chased me and if I weren't so good at climbing trees he would have gotten me!!
Oh no! That's a whole lot of bad things happening. I hope everything improves soon!
Oh noooo, we´ll miss you!
Please come back soon.
I think it is exciting to observe the fox familiy. I never thought more about it but I can understand that it is a scary situation. We hope everthing went well soon.
Big big hugs from the German Kitties and Humans
Even though they are wild woofies, those foxes sure are pretty.
Just all of you be very careful!
Dump the kitty litter inna den? It werked wif our ground hoggie...
Hope you're having a good break! We'll see you when you get back.
So, you get to be City Cats for awhile? We are glad you won't be there, cause we don't want those foxes getting you!!!!!!
Oh noes! I is sorry to hears about da break and havings to lives in da city. I hopes everyfing goes well and you gets back here soon. *purrrrrs*
Bummer! It looks like you have lots going on. It stinks about the break. We'll miss you.
I hope those foxes are gone by the time you get back. Maybe once the kits move on, mom and dad will too.
I am scared for you kitty friends with those nasty foxes around. The babies are cute, but you don't want them practicing thier hunting skills on you!
So, are you going to come back from the city with a taste for fine cuisine, expresso and art museums??
Such drama. Must be very exciting to witness. But we understand your humans concerns.
Dont stay away too long... And dont forget to update us with photos while u were in the city!
Foxes are cute and fun to watch, but having them so close is worrisome. Maybe they will have moved out by the time you come back from the big city. We can hope that all the people and noise from installing the windows and renovating the crawlspace will chase them away.
We will miss you all. be safe in the city.
Miss you cats!
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