First off we want to say goodbye to our friend Cal who went to the Bridge yesterday. He's running free and full of all the energy of a kitten now.
Yesterday the whole crew came home from town where they had spent the night working, swimming and going to the Library. It was suppertime and the PM went out to take some measurements around the yard. She is trying to decide what shrubs to order so she was out trudging through the snow mapping out some new beds. It was actually nice out and the wee ones and MM all went outside too. Then Shade and Goldie went out to lay in the front flower beds in the setting sun.
I was left inside. Staring at the fun outside.
The PM knows I will be going out sometime but she wants to try it when it is much nicer, there are no fear of foxes around and she and the wee ones are out doing yard work for hours so she can keep an eye on me. She tried to put the harness on me earlier and I practically strangled myself getting out of it so she knew that wasn't going to be of much help.
Well, the PM was by the pergola and the MM went to go get some gloves inside and he was holding the door open. She yelled, "Watch out, you are going to let Banshee out". He said that was the plan and that I needed to go out at some point. Then as I put a paw on the cool earth he let it slip that he had done this before this winter and that I always just ran back inside.
Well, my little MM, that was then and this is now! I sniffed at the doorway for two seconds then bolted off. The PM was livid and started running after me. I was too excited and ran over snow heading for the open field. The PM got a hold of me while I was smelling a pine cone and tried to take me in. She kept falling through the crust in the snow and twisted her knee, which was already sore from twisting it earlier in the week. I started doing my "hind-legs-pinwheel-move" and caught her twice on the wrist. She dropped me and I took off again. She finally wrangled me under one of the cars and got me when I came out to smell some ice. She yelled "Open the flippin' door!!!!" which the MM did and I was dumped back inside.
I have to say I loved it!!!! I ran around the house playing THoE for the next hour.
The PM's knee hurts quite a bit. She had wanted to get up early and help us blog but she tossed and turned all night and only really got to sleep early this morning. She only woke up at 7. She said we'll have to visit our friends through the weekend. They are going to the wee cousin's bowling birthday party today and the PM doubts she'll be able to bowl as her knee is so wretched.
The MM better be on his best behaviour this weekend.
I am making up for it by being cute and charming.

You're doing a good job of looking cute and charming. We hope this helps your case Banshee.
We bet you had fun running wild and free Banshee. We are sorry your mum hurt her knee and hope it soon feels better.
Is the MM trying to make up for it too by being cute and charming?
Yay Banshee, what a great action! Mom would flip if that happened with me!!! Purrs, Chilli
The PM is getting it hard ultimately... we think yoou should sent her off to a Spa treament!!!
We are purring for Cal too. It was kind of unexpected to lose him just now.
Purrs, Siena
Thank you so much for your kind words of our beloved Cal. Also thank you for the purrs and hugs, they really mean a lot to us!
We're sorry to hear about your friend Cal, and stopped by to visit his family.
We know we shouldn't have but we couldn't help laughing at Banshee's antics. It reminded #1 of when Sen-Chan managed to leap out of the door at midnight one night last summer and she ended up scrambling with a flashlight behind the neigbours' bedroom window, trying to catch him...
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Sorry we couldn't help laughing either. Butter wouldn't melt in your picture.
Hope your mums knee is better soon.
Hugs GJ xxx
Lucky you, Banshee...getting outside! I try this and my efforts are always throrted! You are doing a good job of looking cute and you think it will work???
Go Banshee!!! I have been trying to amke a break for it myself. I have been unsuccessful up to this point but I know that soon enough I will get outside!
Hi Banshee. Maybe you should try the harness again, like while eating your favorite snack? In the meantime, it sounds like you had a great time during your jail break. We;re really sorry to hear that the PM's knee is hurting...sure hope she didn't tear any cartilage or tendons. Make sure you purr her really well, Banshee!
Sounds cold, brr.
Oh my goodness, Banshee! You had a real wild time! I hope your mom's knee feels much better soon.
Banshee, you little stinker! Now in addition to looking cute and charming, you are going to have to double as a heating pad on your mom's knee. You owe it to her to help her heal.
The PM is getting cat wounded alot this year. Take it easy on the PM it can affect the petting arm!
Oh man, if dat were our dad he would be on sooo much trouble! Yoo shouldn't be running off and makeing yoor mom hurt herself tho.
I'm sorry your mum hurt her knee but really it wasn't your fault.
Huffle Mawson
Oh Banshee you crazy girl! Maybe you could try lying next to the PMs knee and purring, putting your healing vibes there?
We hope you are all better real soon, PM!
I am so sorry about Cal. We have lost so many of our friends this year already.
Banshee....again the most expressive face you have!
What an adventure. We picture your humans and get all giggly.
It is so sad about Cal.
What a cute picture, I bet they could not stay mad at you for long. I hope your moms knees will be better soon.
We think gettin outside sometimes is important and we are allowed. Mainly cause there is this huge fence all round the backyard, so we are safe from woofies an vishus deer.
Its great an we are glad ya got a chance to go out...
oh banshee please don't run away again!
That was a very exciting story!! It is very stimulating to do something naughty now and then!
Thank you for visiting our blog -- we are going to sign up to follow yours so we can hear about all your adventures on the edge of the meadow. Also looking forward to hearing about the gardening ventures. My mom and dad have foxes in Pea Ridge.
Good work, Banshee! Just keep plotting your adventures as you look out the windows. Make note of where the birdies sit and sing, and keep track of where the squirrels go. Then you'll have to make a giant dash for all those places the next time you get out and see that they're up to!
Purrs and Paws to you and Goldie and Shade too, Halloween
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