It was a very long weekend out here in the woods. The folks were real busy and then the PM got a migraine so no visiting our friends.
Then something happened that made me question my mancathood.
This fine fellow is Beary and The Grampie gave it to the PM on the day she was born. He used to be all covered in fur but is now practically bald along with being blind and clawless due to lovin' over the years. He's 38 years old and is treated with respect.
The PM noticed that he had been attacked.
Yep, holes chewed in his ear. Suspiciously looking like mouse doings. A mouse could not have been running through the house while I was on duty. As I tried to come up with a more plausible answer, this occurred.
The wee ones were in bed so the PM decided to try some new chips she had bought a few days ago. She opened them up, had one and thought they seemed a tad stale. She turned the bag over looking for the best before date and that is when she saw this.
A hole chewed right through the bag. The hole that seemed to be the right size for a rodent to squeeze it's way into. As this realization dawned on the PM, her gag reflex kicked in as the taste of the stale chip lingered in her mouth.
My little cat brain was spinning. This can't be happening. It must be a tear in the bag, that's all. We haven't had mice in the house all winter.
"You shouldn't be eating chips anyway", I blurted out. "What's wrong with a little mouse pee?" "Everyone eats their pound of dirt, right?"
The PM, looking a tad green, took the bag and poured the chips out into the compost pail. These were resting on the top.
Holy Crap is right!!!!!! My supper even came up a little bit.
How could a mouse sneak in and cause such damage under my nose? I am a hunter for Bast's sake! Was it too many hours spent bird watching and squirrel drooling. Lazily sleeping by the fire every afternoon for months? I must be losing my touch.
I have to make it up to the PM. I am going to hunt down that vermin and make a little rug out of him for her toe.
I hope....
13 hours ago
We hope you catch that vermin!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mice can be tricky. You're still a great Mancat,and we're sure you'll get that mousie.
OopsoopsOOPS! Mice can be really sneaky and really tricky, Goldie. We have ongoing problems with them over here. The OWCB, Ikkyu, was a pretty awesome mouser but they have been living the good life since then. But... may we suggest that it might be an idea to turn your attention inwards, away from squirrels and other creatures of the outdoors, and try to find what's lurking in the cupboards? Plus, you might like to recall that among big cats, it is the girls who do the hunting.....
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww! Oh your poor PM, Goldie! It's time to get your hunting gear on, buddy.
Uh Oh Goldie, sleeping on the job?
You better get to gettin' that mousie!
My mom just gagged a little. Poor PM -- I hope she has recovered from that. Its OK Goldie. It's been a long winter and you let your guard down. Now that you know they are in the house it's time to track them down!
Ohmygoodness!! You gotta show that mousie who's boss!
oh no! well that would haf turned my mom off of 'tato chips forefur, which would be a good thing anyway. we hopes you get that little mousie!
Uh oh! Time to put the bitey on the letting your guard down now. The birdies will have to wait, your family is depending on you!!!
PS...2 hours is how long my mom's bladder held out sitting there with Nigel...darn coffee!
Hi Goldie. You need to have a conference with Banshee and Shade, divide the house into sectors, and get after that mousie! Your poor mom, first a migraine and then mouse poop in her stale chips...yucko! Her teddy looks like he used to be a koala bear. I hope she can fix the damage to his paw...and that you get the mousie critter before anymore damage is done.
Don't worry Goldie, we're sure it's just a very clever kind of super mouse. Err, not so super as for you not to get it any time now, though! Good hunting!
Oh Goldie Mom is gagging with poor PM. I am very concerned by these events... maybe Banshee and you can tag team.
We shall teleport over and help you dispatch of the mice. Nothing we like more then a good mouse hunt. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
I would come but Socks seems to think I wouldn't be very useful in a mouse hunt and refuses to teach me to teleport. ~Fenris
This looks like a prime opportunity for you to establish your total supremacy over the household. Go for it!!!
Abby & Stygia
Ew, ew, ew!!
Go hunt that vermin down for your PM right away! Ew!
I don't think you're losing your touch. I think in the cold winter those dirty little rodents are more persistent.
Good luck and catch him quick!!
Goldie...we're rooting for you! We know you can find that evil mousie!
Oh my goodness you must get on the job real quick. Must be a wiley mouse to get by you,
But your poor mum uggg.
I have every faith in you..
Hugs GJ xx
O MY LORD dot you know if we furays dont get the muses it can mean a trip to the pound you bettr fine it we can not come to see u in the pound they dont have no Kitty putters Hurry time is flyind
Git'em! I mean it, too! Catch that lil' blighter and swaller'im whole! Except for the tail. Take THAT to your mom as a trophy!
Hmm. We're at a bit of a loss. We live on the fourth floor and have never seen a real mouse (other than Jens - but that's another story). But we think you should do something about this. First of all ensure that the "damage" did indeed happen at your place and not at the store or some where outside your jurisdiction. If that doesn't fly we're fresh out of advice. Sorry.
Gack! Your poor mom! Thank goodness the chips tasted stale so she did not eat too many of them.
Eeewww mouse poop chips!! Your poor PM! You will have to sort that sneaky little rodent out. If you need any help we would be happy to come over and join the hunt. Oh, and don't worry about your mancatlyness, winter makes us all want to nap more and hunt less.
Omigoodness! Happy hunting!
Ewww; this must be a super duper sneaky mouse to have gotten past you. Evil, we think. Good luck hunting him down!
Oah My God!!!
Do something about it!!!
A live mousie in the house! Oh no! Better get busy earning your keep.
o nooo a mousie snuck in da housie?! dats terrible!
TURDS! on da fud?! AWFUL!
I hope that vermin realized he was in the wrong place and high-tailed it out.
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